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Oxford Irish Vaccine Researcher Honors Queen


Two Irish scientists at the University of Oxford were honored on Friday for their contributions to science and public health as part of the Queen’s Birthday honor.

Professor Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute and co-director of the Oxford Martin Program on Vaccines, has been awarded the highest Queen’s honor and has become the Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE).

Associate Professor Teresa Lambe has been appointed Honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his contributions to science and public health.

A senior researcher at the Jenner Institute, she oversaw the university’s Covid-19 vaccine program, leading to the development of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, which is currently administered to nearly 500 million people worldwide.

“Encourage Irish science”

Professor Hill from Ranelagh, Dublin, said he was “happy” to receive an award that reflected the efforts of many of his colleagues at the Jenner Institute. He said the recognition of Irish scientists’ achievements in the United Kingdom “encourages Irish science.”

He praised the “extraordinary efforts” of everyone involved in the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Program and a series of students and researchers over the last 25 years.

“Their efforts in the design, development and clinical trials of vaccines for globally important diseases have allowed us to select the most effective vaccine types to combat the pandemic,” he said. ..

Professor Hill has also been involved in the development of various vaccines against diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and Ebola. His main vaccine program has developed a particularly promising potential vaccine against malaria. This has been shown to be 77% effective in a recent study of children in sub-Saharan Africa.

A graduate of Trinity College Dublin School of Medicine, the honor awarded to researchers at Oxford University, “continues to expand life-saving applications, as very well shown last year” to aspiring scientists. He said he hopes to encourage him to consider his career.

Great year for public perception of science

“Last year’s science was cool for kids … this year was a great year for the general public’s perception of science and the general understanding of vaccines. It’s not just about magic like the movie” Contagion “,” he said. I added.

However, Covid-19 allowed vaccineologists like himself to move vaccines forward at “totally unprecedented” rates.

“It’s like we want to do with other vaccines, especially malaria, which is my own interest,” he said.

Professor Teresa Lambe said that the fact that her work was in the limelight during the pandemic was a “great privilege” and a “little surreal” to gain honor.

“In a very intense year and a half, so many people were involved … I put my head on the chest wall and looked around and saw the impact we were having. I don’t. “She said.

A graduate of University College Dublin had been researching and developing vaccines for about 14 years before the coronavirus pandemic, but most of her work was largely unnoticed by the general public.

“These were vaccines for diseases that most people haven’t heard of,” she said, adding that the development of the vaccine was perceived as “a little out of date.”

It all changed when the coronavirus killed everyone, and the work of her team was in their arms as well as in the public eye.

“That’s great … I want to be able to engage and explain what I’m doing. You can’t be seen as an ivory tower scientist,” she said.

If some people hesitate or feel uneasy about vaccines, Professor Rambe believes it is important for developers to be able to answer their questions.

“I didn’t understand how important it was until this year. Vaccines are not life-saving, vaccination is life-saving,” she said, which would be useless if the vials were not given. I added. Professor Rambe, who has been unable to visit his parents in Ireland since Christmas 2019, is most grateful that the vaccine deployment will allow people to safely reunite with their families.

In the future, Professor Rambe said he hopes that the scientific community and more people will remember the outcomes that people can collaborate with.

“We can make sure that future generations don’t have to make the same sacrifices as we do,” she added.

Still, it’s not too late for the professor to work on vaccines for other diseases and adaptations to ensure that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is effective against new variants. Her team is also investigating how long the immune response triggered by vaccination lasts.

“I had this perception when I was resting, but the variants continue to occupy us,” she added.

Professor Hill said he believes that his ability to diversify is limited and does not expect new variants to continue to emerge in the “long term.”

Good at escaping immunity

“The virus mutates in so many ways that it’s a great virus to escape immunity. I don’t expect it to come here three years after a new variant emerges, but it’s still I’m trying to vaccinate everyone, “he said.

When the population is vaccinated to the right level, it is difficult for new strains to emerge, he added, adding that England is close to herd immunity, which is useful with antibodies present in about 80 percent of the population. He added that there is evidence that a strong immune response from vaccination covers the delta mutant.

“That’s probably why the Indian variants are widespread and, despite their rapid spread, haven’t caused a significant increase in hospital cases … but that should be noted.” He added.

Professor Hill predicted that the Oxford Institute would need to create one new vaccine strain to accommodate new variants of the virus.

“The choice for the last few months has been South African strains. Moderna has done so and AstraZeneca has created a South African vaccine strain. It has not yet been decided if an Indian strain needs to be produced.”

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