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Can COVID-19 Cause Diabetes? |


Not only is the coronavirus deadly for diabetics, it also causes metabolic disorders in many people who did not previously have diabetes.

According to Dr. Eleanor Du, a former president of the Philippine Society for Pediatric Metabolism and Endocrinology, there is a report of an increased incidence of type 1 diabetes among COVID-19 patients.

“In fact, two studies in Europe showed how often (type 1) diabetes affects survivors of COVID-19,” said Dr. Du. 19 ”, Virtual Roundtable Conference via Webex.

This is not yet evidence-based, but some doctors suspect that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can damage the pancreas, which produces the insulin needed to convert blood sugar into energy. ..

“We know the fact that type 1 diabetes can be caused by a viral infection,” says Dr. Du. “A recent mouse study revealed how enterovirus (Coxsackievirus) induces diabetes.” Enterovirus contributes to diabetes caused by loss of insulin-producing beta cells and hyperglycemia. It is believed that there is.

The sedentary lifestyle provided by lockdown can be another factor, as most patients refrain from going to the clinic for fear of being infected with the virus, which can delay diagnosis. There is a sex.

“Even in mild COVID-19 cases in some children, diabetes can develop rapidly,” adds Dr. Du. “And vice versa. Children with and without diabetes are not exempt from being infected with COVID-19. Since March 2020, more than 1,000 cases of pediatric COVID have already occurred in our public hospitals. There is. “

Most children seriously affected by COVID-19 have other illnesses such as congenital heart disease, kidney problems, cancer, and viral infections such as tuberculosis and bacterial pneumonia.

“Elevated blood sugar increases the risk of serious infections,” explains Dr. Du. “When your blood sugar is out of control, your body becomes stressed and unbalanced. Your immune system is weakened and you are more susceptible to infections. And because your body’s defenses are blocked, infections. Cannot be repelled. “

Diabetes care in the age of COVID

Over 400 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with diabetes. In the Philippines, 8% of Filipinos are unknowingly diabetic reserves. Indeed, “mabuti pa ang langgam — alam”.

Early detection and treatment of diabetes is an important step in maintaining the health of diabetics, especially during pandemics.

My father and husband have diabetes and my dear sister died from the complications of this debilitating illness.

“The Diabetes Reserve is one step ahead of diabetes,” explains Dr. Jeremy Robles, former president of the Philippine Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Society. “If these patients don’t take care of themselves, they will eventually become diabetics.”

Common risk factors for type 1 and type 2 diabetes include family history, age, and race. Knowing these risk factors is important in identifying what you can control and what you cannot avoid.

Just knowing is not enough. It is very important to do something about what you already know. Therefore, consult your doctor immediately if you find yourself at risk.

“Therefore, we can assess your health and perform the lab tests necessary to better manage your condition,” said Dr. Robles.

Diabetics do more than just deal with hyperglycemia (hyperglycemia). You also need to deal with episodes of hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia).

“That’s why regular blood glucose monitoring is so important,” Dr. Robles advises.

In people with impaired glucose tolerance, blood sugar levels are automatically monitored and controlled by the body. After a meal, the body releases enough insulin to keep plasma glucose within the normal range and usually returns to pre-meal levels within a few hours. However, this is not the case for diabetics. Their bodies have few automatic controls for blood sugar levels. Therefore, blood sugar levels often continue to rise for a long time after eating.

“Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause long-term complications such as heart and kidney disease, nerve damage, and visual impairment,” Dr. Robles warns. “Regular blood sugar monitoring is diabetic. It’s a way for patients and doctors to better manage their condition. “

The downside is that using an invasive glucose meter (to check your blood glucose) is painful. No matter how thin and thin the needle, the pain remains. Some people are used to it, but it can be a problem, especially for diabetic children.

Pediatric diabetes care

Approximately 1.1 million children and adolescents worldwide suffer from type 1 diabetes. In the Philippines, type 1 diabetes in children accounts for 8.5%.

Potential factors such as weight and lack of exercise affected by the pandemic can complicate diabetes management in children.

Most recent cases of COVID-19 are related to adolescents, so children with diabetes need to be protected and ensure that their blood glucose levels are constantly checked.

“But in diabetic children, it remains difficult to adhere to blood glucose monitoring,” said Dr. Eleanor Du, a pediatric diabetes expert. “The pain caused by daily needlesticks leads to children’s non-compliance.”

And this can affect glycemic control and can cause episodes of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

“Once again, non-compliance can be dangerous because of the increased likelihood of diabetic complications,” warns the female doctor. “There was a young patient who recently died due to poor management of diabetes and the limitations imposed by the pandemic.”

FreeStyle Libre is an innovative continuous blood glucose monitoring technology that monitors your blood glucose every minute.

Painless blood glucose measurement

To address this, Abbott has announced FreeStyle Libre. This is an innovative continuous glucose monitoring technology that monitors glucose levels every minute for up to 14 days via a small coin-sized sensor mounted on the back of the upper arm. You don’t have to stab every day.

This easy-to-use gadget is a great alternative for parents and caregivers to use for their children. However, please consult your pediatrician first for permission before obtaining it.

“The Freestyle Libre sensor measures glucose in interstitial fluid every minute through a small (5.5 mm long) filament that is inserted just below the skin and held in place by a small sticky pad.” Explains Dr. Robles.

A quick scan of the sensor with a reader provides real-time blood glucose readings and detailed images of a person’s blood glucose without the need for painful routine finger punctures or daily calibration.

The FreeStyle Libre Reader scans the sensor and displays current glucose readings, glucose data for the last 7 hours, and trend arrows that indicate the direction of glucose levels.

“The FreeStyle Libre system is easy to use and very convenient for many patients, especially those who are on the go. You can check your blood glucose before and after a meal anytime, anywhere,” says Dr. Robles enthusiastically.

The great thing about this system is that it comes with a FreeStyle Libre View. This is web-based software that allows patients to upload data and send it to their doctors for (remotely) monitoring it.

“FreeStyle Libre is a game changer that gives diabetics a better understanding of how fluctuations in blood sugar affect general health,” said Dr. Robles.

Keep in mind that proper management of this disease can reduce the incidence of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, reduce hospitalization, prevent complications, and increase morbidity and mortality. ..

“Patient empowerment is important in managing diabetes in the age of COVID,” adds Dr. Robles.


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