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How do health professionals handle the reopening of California?


How safe is it for vaccinated Californians to go indoors without a mask now that it is no longer a state requirement?

On Tuesday, California lifted the pandemic limit on the number of people who could enter stores, restaurants, and most other indoor locations, saying that everyone, whether vaccinated or not, would wear a face mask indoors. It may be a good indicator to monitor what top health professionals are doing when removing requirements.

“My approach to this is to hurry slowly,” said Dr. John Swartzberg, Professor Emeritus of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinations at the UC Berkeley-UCF Joint Medical Program. I’m completely vaccinated, but I’m not happy with the idea of ​​going without a mask if I’m not sure if the people around me are vaccinated.

“I’ll put on the mask for a while until I know the direction of things,” Swartsburg said.

He is almost no exception among medical professionals.

Dr. Bob Wachter, professor and chairman of the UCSF School of Medicine, who returned to California on Tuesday, said, “If everyone is vaccinated or unvaccinated, I’m sure they are vaccinated. He said he would only drop the mask if he was. Everyone is wearing a mask. “

“I’m still masking indoors because there’s virtually no way to see the latter,” Wachter added when going to places like stores.

Wachter wore a mask on the way back from the plane. This is exactly what the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for all forms of public transport. After being vaccinated, he had already resumed air travel a few months ago, despite concerns about the spread of the virus if passengers took off their face masks to eat and drink.

“I’ve been wearing a mask all the time,” Wachter said.

He also resumed eating indoors “on the right occasion”, but assuming it’s “not cold” in the city, he chooses outdoors if he has the option.

“Therefore, there isn’t much change today compared to yesterday,” Wachter said. “The bottom line is that we’re doing exactly the same thing as last month.”

Why are so many doctors anxious about the idea of ​​fully accepting a return to normal? Do they probably know what Governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t know?

The main reason is that as vaccination rates have risen, COVID-19 infection rates have plummeted in many parts of California and the United States, while viruses continue to rage around the world with restricted vaccine access, Delta (B. It is the emergence of virus variants such as 1.617). ), First seen in India, but worrisome.

Wachter said there are signs that the Delta variant is more infectious, causes more serious illness, and may circumvent some of the vaccine’s protection. According to the California Public Health Service, there are 286 Delta subspecies in the state, far less than 19,753, or 8,882 Epsilon (B.1.427 and B.1.429) variants that emerged on the west coast. That is. It is linked to the Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant that was first seen in the United Kingdom.

Approximately 47% of all Californians are fully vaccinated, but vaccinations are uneven throughout the state. 62% of the total population of Santa Clara County, the largest in the Bay Area, is fully vaccinated, but that figure drops to 32% in Shasta County. According to the CDC..

“Before deciding whether to be more or less careful, I would like to see what happens in the case, especially in the delta variant,” Wachter said.

Doctors also provide some practical reasons. Dr. Curtis Chan, Deputy Health Officer in San Mateo County, said the infection rate was low and “the vaccine is unusually effective.

However, Mr. Chan will wait at least another month before going out to a public place such as a supermarket without a mask to increase eating out to immunize more people and reassure others. Said.

“I can’t explain to everyone who passes by,’I’m vaccinated and I’m a doctor,'” Chan said. “I think it makes sense for our family to step into the supermarket with their masks on. It will reduce the amount of stress that families, especially families with small children and older adults, feel.”

Dr. Chris Farnitano, Health Officer of Contra Costa County, did the same, adding that “I still love the frequent use of hand sanitizers.”

And for some people, wearing a face cover is a second property. Dr. Sarah Cody of the Santa Clara County Health Department said, “I actually feel completely safe without a mask” due to low COVID infection rates and vaccines, but “I feel a little unmasked in public. I feel rude, “he confessed.

Swartsburg pointed out that there are personal benefits to wearing masks indoors around people who are unaware that they have been vaccinated. He hasn’t had the flu or cold for the past year. And we acknowledge the achievements of face masks to keep insects from these seasons away.

“This was the first time I’ve experienced it in my life, and it was sweet,” Swartsburg said. “And masking isn’t a hassle.”

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