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Video games can help treat mental health problems


Delhi, India — Popular video games have the potential to provide low-cost, easy-to-access, practical and stigma-free support for mental health issues. Science Foundation Irish Software Research Center, I found.

Lero’s team, a world leader in connected health research, said video games can be used when traditional treatments are not available due to cost or location, or in addition to traditional treatments for depression and anxiety. Said.

After reviewing academic research on this subject, Lero researcher Mark Campbell has seen increasing scientific evidence that commercial video games improve mental health results, especially depression and anxiety. Said.

“It’s worth considering commercial video games as a potential alternative option to improve various aspects of global mental health,” Campbell said.

Campbell and his team Institute of Health, University of Limerick And Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Published their research treatise “Gaming Your Mental Health: A Narrative Review of Relief of Depression and Anxiety Symptomatology Through Commercial Video Games” in Journals JMIR serious game..

“Commercial video games are cheap, easily accessible, internationally available, effective, and stigmatized in the absence of traditional treatments, or in addition to alleviating mental health problems. It shows great expectations as a resource. ” Research treatise Status.

Popular video games can provide practical, stigma-free support for mental health issues with low cost and easy access. (Florenz Mendoza / Pexels)

According to Campbell, commercial video games are available for free or at a relatively low cost, one-off, with an estimated 2.7 billion video gamers worldwide.

“The overall accessibility and prevalence of commercial video games in modern society is that of mental health disorders, regardless of age or gender, with limited access to mental health care, especially associated with the current Covid-19. It’s a valuable way to reach an individual. It’s a pandemic, “he said.

The lead author of the Lero and UL treatise Magdalena Kowal said their study was related to the financial and medical service burden of mental illness, affecting more than 14% of the world’s population. A significant proportion of people with mental illness are untreated.

“There is a growing demand for accessible and cost-effective ways to prevent and promote the response to mental health illnesses,” she says. statement.. “This demand is deteriorating following the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent increase in mental health problems, depression, and especially anxiety.”

Commercially available virtual reality (VR) video games have great potential for treating mental health problems, Kowal said.

“These are very well suited for the implementation of cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of future depression and anxiety disorders. Given the immersive nature of VR technology and the controllability of the virtual environment, its use in exposure therapy. May be particularly suitable for, “she said.

(With input from ANI)

(Edited by Ojaswin Kathuria and Anindita Ghosh)

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