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Unions threaten to block Boris Johnsons return to work due to security concerns | United Kingdom | New


In a statement to the Observer, the four largest unions, Unison, Unite, GMB and Usdaw, alongside the Union Congress, said that many of their members have already lost their lives “carrying people and goods, protecting the public and caring for vulnerable people ”Due to the coronavirus pandemic. Unions say health and safety must be improved in all workplaces before supporting government relaxation of lock-in restrictions.

Union leaders insist that all employers be required to create risk assessments and publish the measures they take to create a safe environment for their workers.

They also recommend introducing sanctions against employers who do not make work safe for their employees by investing in health and safety inspections.

In the press release, they said, “The labor movement wants to be able to recommend government plans.

“But to do that, we need to make sure that the ministers have listened and that we stay safe and also save lives at work.”

Unions threaten to block Boris Johnson’s return to work plans over security concerns (Image: getty)

British unions have told Boris Johnson they will not be recommending a return to work (Image: getty)

This comes after teachers’ unions have declared that they will not support the reopening of schools until a test and trace system is fully implemented.

On Sunday, the Prime Minister is expected to present his “roadmap” to ease the lockdown restrictions.

It is assumed that Mr. Johnson will allow people to leave the house more than once a day for exercise.

The government should stop using the strict “stay at home” message, which has played a central role in promoting its foreclosure restrictions.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson will make minimal changes to lockout rules while on the go

Union leaders insist that all employers must create risk assessments (Image: getty)

A government source told The Guardian, “This is a critical time – so after carefully assessing the evidence and examining the data, the Prime Minister will speak to the public and ask for his determination as we continue to do everything that is necessary to overcome this devastating disease. . “

There has also been speculation that travelers returning to the UK may have to quarantine for 14 days.

This has raised concerns in the travel and tourism industry, which feared that the 14-day quarantine could harm international air travel.

Karen Dee, executive director of the Airport Operators Association, told the BBC Breakfast: “It would have a huge impact on our industry.”

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Prime Minister to present roadmap on Sunday (Image: getty)

Union leaders insist that all employers publish the measures they are taking (Image: getty)

She added: “We see the number of passengers generally down by around 98% in the UK.”

The UK has the highest number of reported deaths from people with coronavirus in Europe, with 31,587 people.

Professor Mark Woodhouse, an epidemiologist at the University of Edinburgh, told the Guardian: “Reducing the number of new cases to a few hundred a day is a good idea.

Coronavirus symptoms (Image:

“However, given the current rate of decline in Covid-19 infections, it will take a long time before it drops to that level. And it is a real concern. “

Woodhouse said other approaches could be taken to reduce the number of new cases.

One example, he said, would be for the government to implement an extreme lock similar to the one imposed in China.

The UK has the highest number of reported deaths from people with coronavirus in Europe (Image: getty)

He stressed that another would be “to really get to know contact tracing”.

Woodhouse told The Guardian: “Otherwise, I don’t see how we are going to go any further and get out of this situation.”

Last month, Mr. Johnson was treated in a hospital intensive care unit for Covid-19.

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