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Pentagon spokesperson details US-Israel meeting and danger from ISIS > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News

Pentagon spokesperson details US-Israel meeting and danger from ISIS > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III will meet with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the Pentagon tomorrow to discuss a range of issues, including the release of Hamas hostages, Israeli operations to defeat Hamas in Gaza and the need to ensure the safety of more than a million people taking refuge in Rafah, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said today.

Although the meeting with Gallant was previously planned, it is of heightened interest due to the situation on the ground in Gaza. After Hamas launched the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, which killed more than 1,200 people, the terrorists took hostages. While some have been released and others released, Hamas still holds about 130 hostages, including Americans, according to Israeli officials.

Austin and Gallant will discuss Israeli operations in Rafah. United Nations officials said more than 1 million displaced people were in the city.

White House officials said a ground invasion of Rafah without a credible plan was a mistake, given the large number of displaced people. U.S. officials discussed with the Israelis “ways to address the threat from Hamas, while also considering the safety of civilians,” Ryder said. “Many of them come from our own lessons [learned] carry out operations in urban environments. I would expect the conversations to cover that sort of thing.”

The fact that Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas is not a problem, Ryder said. “The secretary still fundamentally believes in Israel's inherent right to defend itself and that we will continue to support them in that regard, and that support is ironclad.”

Ryder said U.S. efforts to build a pier to ferry supplies to Gaza were well underway. The assets of the army and navy are now heading towards the eastern Mediterranean. “[U.S. Central Command] continues to work on the logistics side,” Ryder said. “I don't want to go into detail, but [we’re] progress in terms of security on land, as well as progress in terms of the concept of operations in terms of how aid will be loaded and then removed from the dock to Gaza for distribution.

Ryder also answered questions about the Islamic State attack in Russia during a press conference. The Islamic State attack Saturday on Moscow's Crocus City Hall killed more than 130 people and injured more than 180. Ryder said the attack highlighted that ISIS remains a threat . In early March, U.S. officials passed intelligence to Russia about an imminent terrorist threat, he said.

The Islamic State issued a statement taking credit for the Moscow terrorist attack.

The United States continues to work with our allies and partners to stay current on terrorist threats around the world. One example is the US-led coalition to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. “What you saw after the campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria was that some elements of that group were moved to other parts of the world,” Ryder said.

Most notably, the group moved into Afghanistan and formed ISIS-Khorasan and moved to parts of Africa. “It's certainly something that we continue to monitor from a counterterrorism perspective; counterterrorism is part of the national defense strategy,” Ryder said. “That’s something we need to keep in mind and not underestimate their ability to carry out these kinds of attacks.”

Ryder noted that although relations between the United States and Russia were strained due to President Vladimir Putin's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, the United States was sharing intelligence with Moscow about the possibility of a terrorist attack. “You heard the White House say this weekend that we had informed Moscow in advance … of a planned terrorist attack in Moscow and that we had also advised Americans to avoid traveling to public places,” he said.

This is part of a “duty to warn” policy that the United States follows, the general said. If the United States becomes aware of an attack like this, it has a “duty to warn, particularly if it could harm civilians,” he said. “Law enforcement or intelligence agencies would use appropriate channels to ensure information is passed on.”




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