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As Iran-Israel tensions rise, Westminster is concerned and what British diplomats plan to do about it | political news

As Iran-Israel tensions rise, Westminster is concerned and what British diplomats plan to do about it |  political news


Following Saturday night's Iranian attack on Israel, the focus at all levels of Britain's diplomatic establishment is now to do everything possible to ease tensions in the Middle East.

The UK government's message is twofold.

First, we stand on Israel's side and support Israel's right to self-defense. Ultimately, this unprecedented and terrifying attack will trigger a strong response anywhere in the world.

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At the same time, they do not want to see subsequent movements that create an uncontrollable spiral.

This is the view of most of the G7, reflected in a statement released after the summit on Sunday afternoon.

The US, and to some extent the UK, helped with Saturday night's operation and are openly supporting Israel right now, giving Israel some hope that they can have some influence on what happens next.

They are all anxiously watching to see what Israel will do next in response to this attack. Because we don't want Israel to have what it sometimes calls “significant retaliation.”

When asked what would be a better or worse outcome, one British source involved in the discussions said: “The best case scenario is that Israel does not attack anything inside Iran, perhaps even its proxies in Syria or Yemen.”

“The worst case scenario is that they take control of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.”

At present, it is not clear which way the Israelis will take.

To encourage them to follow their previous, less aggressive path, some are trying to draw a line between the April 1 Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard members.

The fact that this is a consulate building on foreign soil and that the U.S. and its allies were not warned in advance was seen as a huge provocation by Iran, which Iran claims Saturday night's attack was a response to.

Jack and Sam's podcast, Politics, exposes concerns in Whitehall that Israel may reject attempts to persuade Iran that its actions were a proportionate response.

There are concerns that Iran may have sought to “map” the operational capabilities of the shield, known as Iron Dome, by sending hundreds of drones toward Israel.

They worry that a large-scale attack means Iran now has a much better understanding of how Israeli systems take out drones and other missiles – and therefore where Iran's strengths and vulnerabilities lie.

If Israel feels weaker and more vulnerable as a result of the attack, this could lead members of Israel's war cabinet to push for a tougher response and focus their resources on Iran rather than on Hamas in the struggling Gaza Strip. To make progress in recent weeks.

Read more: Will Israel allow Iranian attacks to go unpunished? Probably not. Iran could claim a symbolic victory, but Israel's defenses held up against the ambitious attack.

The success of the Iron Dome protection system and Allied efforts to shoot down drones and missiles before they could cause damage to Israel prevented a very different outcome.

One British official acknowledged the knife incident was taking place, saying: “If I had woken up this morning and seen pictures of civilian destruction and death, the reaction around the world would have been very different.”

One question now is how British politics will respond.

The Conservatives and Labor have so far adopted similar language, recognizing how dangerous the Middle East is after the October attacks and neither wants to make a mistake at the start of this new phase.

The government is considering further sanctions against Iran, and Labor has already said it would support them.

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Sir Cameron will take the lead on diplomacy after returning from a tour of the US that met with mixed success. This included a meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, but failed to meet with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan as expected.

The reality is that much of the diplomacy will place Britain in America's wake, meaning the relationship is more important than ever.




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