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Government cracks down on deepfake creation

Government cracks down on deepfake creation


Making sexually explicit deepfake images a new crime Those found guilty of this immoral crime could be prosecuted and fined unlimitedly in a massive program of work to better protect women.

Under the new offenses, people who create these horrific images without consent will face criminal records and unlimited fines. If the images are shared more widely, criminals could be sent to prison.

The new law means that if someone creates a sexually explicit deepfake, they will commit a criminal offense even if they do not intend to share it but purely want to cause alarm, humiliation or distress to the victim.

It will also enhance existing offenses, as if an individual creates these types of images and then shares them, the CPS could charge them with two offences, potentially increasing their sentence.

Deepfake images have become more widespread in recent years, with images being viewed millions of times a month globally. Fake images and videos are made to look surreal, with victims typically unaware and unable to consent to being sexualized in such a way.

Today’s announcement is the latest step in a large-scale program of work to tackle emerging and deeply distressing forms of abuse against women and girls.

Last year, changes to the Online Safety Act made sharing deepfake intimate images a crime for the first time. This new offense, which will be introduced through changes to the Criminal Justice Act, means that anyone who maliciously and without consent creates sexually explicit deepfake images of adults will face the consequences of their actions.

Victim Protection Minister Laura Farris said:

Creating deepfake sexual images is despicable and completely unacceptable regardless of whether the images are shared or not.

This is another example of how certain people try to degrade and dehumanize other people, especially women. And if the data were shared more widely, it could have disastrous consequences. This government will not tolerate this.

This new crime sends a clear message that creating such material is immoral, often misogynistic and criminal.

This Government has made it a priority to better protect women from physical, emotional and online abuse by reforming the law.

As part of the Criminal Justice Bill continuing to pass through Parliament, the Government will introduce a range of new criminal offenses to punish anyone who takes or records intimate images without consent, or who installs equipment to enable someone to do so. is being enacted.

These changes to the Criminal Justice Bill will build on the existing offense of indecent assault and make it a criminal offense to:

Intentionally taking or recording intimate images or films without consent or reasonable belief in consent Taking or recording intimate images or films without consent with the intent to cause alarm, distress or humiliation or for the purpose of sexual gratification.

The government also reclassified violence against women and girls as a national threat. This means police must prioritize responding to violence as much as they do threats such as terrorism, and make ongoing efforts to tackle image-based abuse.

In March, the first person was sentenced under new cyberflashing offenses that came into effect in January through the Online Safety Act.

Nicholas Hawkes, who was 39 at the time of sentencing, was sentenced to more than a year in prison for sending photos of his genitals to a 15-year-old girl and a woman.

Activist and former Love Island contestant Cally Jane Beech said:

This new crime is a huge step forward in further strengthening deepfake laws to better protect women.

What I endured was more than embarrassment or discomfort. Too many women continue to have their privacy, dignity and identity violated in this way by malicious individuals and this must stop. People who do this must be held accountable.

Deborah Joseph, GLAMOR Europe Editor-in-Chief, said:

GLAMOR welcomes the Ministry of Justice’s plans to table criminal justice legislation that will put women’s safety online at the heart of this conversation.

A recent GLAMOR survey found that 91% of readers believe deepfake technology poses a threat to women's safety, and personal stories from victims show us just how serious the impact is.

While this is an important first step, there is still a long way to go before women feel truly safe from this horrific activity.

In 2022, the Sexual Offenses Act 2003 was amended to expand the offense of voyeurism to include non-consensual images of breastfeeding.

Cowards who kill their partners in sexual violence will face longer sentences in prison as part of a wider government drive to protect women and girls. A new statutory aggravation factor will be introduced for offenders who cause death through abusive, degrading or dangerous sexual or so-called rough sex.

As part of reforms following recommendations made in Clare Wade KC's Domestic Homicide Sentencing Review, a new statutory aggravation factor for former partners who commit murder at the end of a relationship is also included in the criminal justice bill.

Note to editors This offense applies to adult images. This is because the law already covers this practice if the images are of children (under 18 years of age). The Domestic Homicide Sentence Review was commissioned in 2021 to examine whether the sentencing system needs to be reformed to better reflect the seriousness of domestic murder and identify options for improvement. The murder sentencing consultation ran for 14 weeks and ended on 4 March 2024. The Government's response will be published in due course.




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