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Pro-Palestinian demonstrators paralyze the roads of American cities because of the war on Gaza | Israel's War on Gaza News

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators paralyze the roads of American cities because of the war on Gaza |  Israel's War on Gaza News


Protesters are blocking highways and disrupting travel in Illinois, California, New York and the Pacific Northwest.

Pro-Palestinian protesters have blocked major highways in the states of Illinois, California, New York and the Pacific Northwest, temporarily preventing travel to some of the busiest airports in the United States, to the Golden Gate and Brooklyn Bridges and along a busy West Coast. Highway.

In Chicago, protesters locked arms and blocked the lanes of Interstate 190 leading to OHare International Airport around 7 a.m. (1200 GMT) Monday in a demonstration they said was part of a global economic blockade aimed at liberating Palestine, according to Rifqa Falaneh, one of the organizers.

Protesters say they chose OHare in part because it is one of the largest airports in the United States. Dozens of people were arrested, according to Falaneh. Chicago police said several people were arrested after a protest where people obstructed traffic, but did not provide a detailed count.

In California, protesters blocked lanes on northbound I-880 in Oakland by chaining themselves to barrels, while another group of protesters holding banners disrupted traffic on the southbound lanes. On the Golden Gate Bridge, protesters blocked traffic in both directions, holding a banner that read: Stop the world in Gaza.

In Eugene, Oregon, protesters blocked Interstate 5, halting traffic on the main highway for about 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, on the East Coast, protesters marching toward Brooklyn blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge heading to Manhattan.

Anti-war protesters have held demonstrations in Chicago almost every day since the Hamas attack in southern Israel on October 7, which killed about 1,200 people, triggered an Israeli attack on Gaza that killed more than 33,700 Palestinians, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

OHare warned travelers on social platform X to find alternative ways to get to the airport, with car travel significantly delayed this morning due to protest activity.

Some travelers stuck in standstill traffic left their cars and walked the final stretch to the airport along the highway, dragging their luggage behind them.

It was an inconvenience, Madeline Hannan, of suburban Chicago, said in a telephone interview as she headed to Florida. But in the general context of what is happening abroad, this represents a minor inconvenience.

Inbound traffic to OHare resumed around 9 a.m. (2 p.m. GMT).

Heavy traffic at Chicago OHare International Airport on Monday [Nam Y Huh/AP]
Arrests and calls for ceasefire in Gaza

Near Seattle, the Washington State Department of Transportation said a protest closed the main road to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Social media posts showed people holding a banner and waving Palestinian flags as they stood on the highway, which reopened about three hours later.

About 20 protesters were arrested during the demonstration at the Golden Gate Bridge and traffic resumed shortly after noon, according to the California Highway Patrol. The agency said officers were making arrests at two locations on the highway, including one location where about 300 protesters refused orders to disperse.

Attempting to block or close a highway or state road in protest is illegal, dangerous and prevents motorists from safely reaching their destination, the agency said in a statement.

Oregon State Police said 52 protesters were arrested for disorderly conduct following the demonstration on Interstate 5 in Eugene, Oregon, about 177 km (110 miles) south from Portland. Six vehicles were towed from the scene.

New York police made numerous arrests, saying 150 protesters were initially involved in the march around 3:15 p.m. (7:15 p.m. GMT), but the crowd quickly grew.

In San Antonio, demonstrators waving Palestinian flags blocked both sides of the Valero Energy Company headquarters, causing traffic jams in the northwest of the city.

Pro-Palestinian protests hit the United States [Mario Tama/AFP]




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