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FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration announces new measures to protect the U.S. steel and shipbuilding industry from unfair practices by China.

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration announces new measures to protect the U.S. steel and shipbuilding industry from unfair practices by China.


Call to triple tariff rates on steel and aluminum imports from China

US Trade Representative to investigate China's unfair shipbuilding practices

President Biden knows that steel is the backbone of the American economy and the foundation of our national security. American steel fueled the country's industrialization and helped build the middle class. Steel made in the United States remains essential to our economic and national security. American companies must lead the future of more sustainable steel. This green steel will strengthen the infrastructure that supports our communities, form the ocean-going ships that transport America's goods, power the electric vehicles of our clean energy future, and support thousands of hardworking American families. President Biden is making historic investments in U.S. steel and manufacturing that stand in stark contrast to the previous administration. While the previous administration failed to introduce an infrastructure bill, President Biden's bipartisan Infrastructure Act, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act are boosting hundreds of billion dollars in private sector investment in manufacturing and clean energy. Under President Biden, investment in new factory construction has more than doubled after falling under the previous administration, even before the pandemic, while nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs have been created and employment in construction reached a record level. Our trade deficit with China is the lowest in more than a decade, lower than in any year under the previous administration. President Biden's strategic trade and investment agenda protects workers, consumers, and businesses from unfair competition. At the same time, U.S. workers in the steel and aluminum industries face a significant challenge from Chinese exports of steel and aluminum, which are among the most emissions-intensive products in the world. world. China's overcapacity and out-of-market investment in the steel and aluminum industries mean that high-quality American products must compete with alternatives that are artificially cheap and produced with higher carbon emissions. Steel is a critical input to our domestic shipbuilding industry, from the commercial ships that transport American products to the American warships that keep the world's seas secure. Commercial shipyards provide the industrial capacity necessary to maintain the U.S. Navy's dominance and support thousands of suppliers and jobs. The Biden-Harris administration recognizes growing concerns that China's unfair trade practices, including flooding the market with below-market priced steel, are distorting the global shipbuilding market and eroding competition. These concerns were expressed in a petition to the US Trade Representative by five unions requesting an investigation into Chinese actions, policies and practices in the maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors. In response to China's unfair practices, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking historic new steps today to support U.S. steel production and shipbuilding.

President Biden calls on USTR to consider tripling the existing 301 tariff rate on Chinese steel and aluminum. The current average tariff on certain steel and aluminum products is 7.5% under Section 301. American workers continue to face unfair competition from Chinese imports of steel and aluminum products , which are among the highest emitters in the world. Chinese policies and subsidies to their domestic steel and aluminum industries mean that high-quality American products are undercut by artificially cheap Chinese alternatives produced with higher emissions. To the extent consistent with the United States Trade Representative's (USTR) review of Section 301 tariffs and the findings of its investigation, President Biden calls on the USTR to consider strengthening the effectiveness of customs tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products by tripling them. President Biden's Commerce Department is taking action against countries and importers that ignore the rules and flood the market with cheap goods. Since President Biden took office, the Department of Commerce has imposed more than 30 antidumping and countervailing duties on steel-related products. These are customs duties on steel imports priced below fair and competitive value. The Commerce Department has also conducted nearly 27 investigations into anti-competitive actions by Chinese exporters and efforts by countries like China to circumvent trade rules. President Biden is directing his team to work with Mexico to jointly prevent China and other countries from evading tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from Mexico to the United States. This is a growing challenge that must be addressed to prevent Chinese and other steel exports from accessing the U.S. market and evading Section 232 or Section 301 tariffs. The President Biden recently sent senior officials from his administration to Mexico to address this issue. The US Trade Representative has opened an investigation into China's unfair trade practices in the shipbuilding, maritime and logistics sectors. This investigation follows a petition filed by the United Steelworkers (USW) and four other unions which assert that the Chinese government's desire to dominate the global shipbuilding, maritime and logistics sector is based on much more aggressive non-market policies and interventionist than any other country. President Biden believes it is critical to understand China's set of particularly aggressive interventions in these sectors and take steps to address the distortions in the global market for commercial ships, shipping and logistics that are harming to American workers and shipbuilders. President Biden is committed to keeping American steel companies strong, powered by American steelmakers. In light of the proposed sale of US Steel to Nippon Steel, President Biden will continue to make clear that US Steel has been an iconic American steel company for over a century and that it is essential that it remains an American steel company which is nationally owned and operated. President Biden is investing in clean, American-made steel. Today's announcements build on the administrations' commitments to green steel production. The Biden-Harris administration, through the bipartisan Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, recently announced up to $1.5 billion for six clean steel projects as part of a broader historic investment to reduce emissions from energy-intensive industries. These projects are expected to demonstrate innovative technologies capable of eliminating the vast majority of emissions from steelmaking and enable the industry to gradually move away from more traditional carbon-intensive production methods. They will support the economic comeback of steelmaking communities in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the South and Midwest, so that the U.S. steel industry can remain competitive as a global leader in low-carbon steel products.

These investments include up to $75 million for the only high-silicon grain-oriented electric steel mill in the United States, in Lyndora, Pennsylvania, which supports more than 1,000 United Autoworker jobs at the Butler Works plant. of Cleveland-Cliffs and up to $500 million for the Cleveland plant. -Cliffs plant in Middletown, Ohio, to produce clean steel for the automotive supply chain.





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