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Brussels proposes return to pre-Brexit mobility for young people in UK and EU | Brexit

Brussels proposes return to pre-Brexit mobility for young people in UK and EU |  Brexit


The European Commission has proposed opening negotiations with the UK to allow mobility for millions of 18-30 year olds before Brexit.

He said he would now seek approval from individual EU leaders to begin talks, which could partially remove one of the most controversial elements of Brexit – blocking the right to live in each other's countries with visa waivers. .

Under the expected agreement, EU and UK citizens aged 18 to 30 will be able to stay in their destination country for up to four years, the European Commission said in a detailed statement.

The aim is to promote youth exchange, making it easier for young EU citizens to travel, work and live in the UK, based on reciprocity for young British nationals from EU member states, the commission said.

The decision of the Commission, which had previously strongly opposed concessions sought by the UK after Brexit, is seen as a breakthrough in UK-EU relations.

The open negotiation offer must first be agreed by European Council leaders when it meets in May, but it represents major concessions that would roll back key elements of Brexit.

If approved, it would mean millions of young people could come to the UK to fill the gap created by Brexit, not only in the services sector but also in universities.

It also means seasonal jobs – from restaurant jobs to seasonal jobs at ski resorts – can again become available to young people in the UK.

It may also make it easier for UK and EU universities to recruit researchers, particularly those participating in the Horizon scientific research programme.

The plan is expected to restore college students' homepage systems to be two-way and end crippling foreign fees exceeding $40,000 per year.

Jessica Roswall, Sweden's European Affairs Minister, told the Guardian: “Sweden has been pushing for this and we think this is very important for young people and students in the EU and the UK and they are the winners.”

In a statement, the European Commission said it took action after the UK approached individual EU countries, understood to include France, to launch youth mobility schemes.

British ministers have insisted this would not be a rollback of one of the key elements of Brexit, ending free movement of British citizens.

They argued that France already has such an agreement with Canada, and Australia has a similar agreement with the United Kingdom, which would be an important way to foster cultural exchange for future generations.

Mobility will not be limited to purpose. This means beneficiaries must be able to undertake a range of activities such as study, train, work or travel during that period and mobility will not be subject to a quota system, the committee said.

He also said this does not mean a regression in freedom of movement.

The expected agreement would provide for a limited time move, provided conditions to be confirmed are met before the move takes place. Conditions must also be met during your stay. He said this does not provide young British nationals with the basic freedom of movement benefits enjoyed by EU citizens.

He added that Brexit has had a particular impact on the opportunities for young people to experience life on the other side of the Channel and benefit from youth, cultural, educational, research and training exchanges.

He also said that a block-wide transaction is preferable to a series of bilateral transactions because it ensures equal treatment for everyone participating in the scheme.

Lord Kinnoul, chairman of the House of Lords European Affairs Committee, which recommended such a mobility program, welcomed the development, saying an agreement would greatly benefit the mutual interests of both sides and Europe's young people.




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