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Penny Mordaunt: Israel's Iron Dome Defense System Needed for Britain

Penny Mordaunt: Israel's Iron Dome Defense System Needed for Britain


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In an unusual intervention that highlights concerns within the government about an increasingly unstable geopolitical environment, Penny Mordaunt has suggested that Britain should install an Israeli-style iron dome missile defense system.

Ms Mordaunt, the leader of the House of Commons and a former Royal Navy reservist, again called for increased defense spending, saying governments have a duty to protect citizens as the world becomes less safe.

The former defense secretary's comments come after another precarious week for relations between Israel and Iran. On Friday, Israel launched strikes against close to military and nuclear targets inside Iran in retaliation for Tehran's missile and drone attacks days earlier.

With the war still raging in Ukraine and the conflict in the Gaza Strip unending, defense officials are calling on Britain to strengthen its defense capabilities, while a senior Conservative lawmaker described the Iranian attack as a wake-up call for the West.

The UK currently spends just over 2% of GDP on defence, but there are growing calls to increase this to at least 2.5%, with some figures suggesting it could rise to as much as 3%.

Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Ms Mordaunt said Britain needed to be more ambitious about the amount of resources it devoted to defence.

Penny Mordaunt has once again called for more money to be spent on defence (PA Wire).

To those who say we can't, shouldn't, and can't afford our defense ambitions, I say look at Israel. A country that is only a fraction of our size, but has managed to fend off attacks from a country 10 times our size. told the newspaper.

It made a choice. That made it work. She added that even if we don't have daily reminders of the threats we face, we have the same obligation to our citizens. Israel's defense is our defense, and we must be ready to defend our allies in the same way we defended ourselves, as we did last weekend.

Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel on Saturday, but most were eliminated by Israel's powerful Iron Dome system, which is backed by allies including Britain. Joint efforts eliminated targets over Iraq and Syria under Operation Shader.

The Iron Dome system, developed with support from the United States, is a system specialized for shooting down short-range rockets. The missiles have intercepted a huge number of rockets since they were activated early last decade, including thousands during the current war against Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel says its success rate is over 90%.

The Tamir Interceptor Missile Battery (AP), which forms part of the Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system at Ashkelon, southern Israel.

Iron Dome is supported by the Arrow system, which is designed to intercept long-range missiles, including the type of ballistic missiles Iran says it has launched against Israel.

Defense systems have very high maintenance and operating costs. Reem Aminoach, a former brigadier general and top financial adviser to the Israeli military, told Bloomberg that it would cost Israel about US$1 billion ($808 million) to thwart an Iranian attack and that it would cost Israel some interceptor missiles. It said the cost would amount to ₹3.5 million ($2.8 million). .

British Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt has said he wants to increase the defense budget by 2.5% after coming under pressure from colleagues to spend more on protecting Britain from hostile countries.

Labor has pledged to live up to these ambitions, and Sir Keir Starmer recently visited the shipyards in Barrow-in-Furness where the next generation of submarines are being built and said the party's commitment to Britain's nuclear weapons system is unshakable.

All NATO members have agreed to spend the equivalent of 2% of annual GDP on defense, but many members fell short of that level last year, according to the military alliance's estimates.

It has called on its members to go beyond the 2% figure in light of Russia's attacks on Ukraine.

Poland, which borders Ukraine, was NATO's largest spender last year, allocating 3.9% to defense spending, while the United States ranked second with 3.5%.




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