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Migrants pitch tents in Dublin as the Irish government tries to return asylum seekers to the UK.

Migrants pitch tents in Dublin as the Irish government tries to return asylum seekers to the UK.


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ITV News correspondent John Ray reports that the Irish government has proposed new legislation to make it easier to send migrants to the UK after the number of asylum seekers has risen in recent months.

People have set up camps in Dublin after the Irish government raised concerns that the British government's Rwandan policy was driving the flow of migrants across the border.

A huge 'tent city' has emerged near the International Protection Office in Dublin after Britain rejected calls to return asylum seekers from Northern Ireland.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak told ITV News that the European Union is not interested in any kind of return deal with the Republic unless it allows Britain to return asylum seekers who have crossed the English Channel from France. The issue was highlighted following the passage of the British government's Rwanda Bill, which opens the way for asylum seekers to make a one-way trip to the African country. The British government has welcomed the deterrent effect of Rwanda's plan to stop small vessels crossing from France. However, the Irish government has claimed that the number of asylum seekers coming from Northern Ireland is now more than 80% due to changes in migration patterns in recent months. The issue was discussed by the British and Irish governments at high-level talks in London on Monday.

A tent housing asylum seekers near the International Protection Office in Dublin. Credit: PA

The Irish government has proposed new legislation that would make it easier to send immigrants to the UK. This overturns the Irish High Court's ruling that the UK can no longer be a safe third country for asylum seekers because of the Rwanda plan. But Mr Sunak told ITV News political editor Robert Peston that Westminster had no intention of accepting asylum seekers returning from Ireland. We weren't interested in that. If the EU won't allow returns to France, where illegal immigrants come from, they won't allow returns to the EU through Ireland. Of course we weren't going to do that. Asked whether there had been returns negotiations with the EU, he said: No, I was focused on getting the Rwanda plan up and running.

Meanwhile, Channel crossings continued on Monday, with Home Office figures showing more than 7,000 migrants have completed the journey and arrived in the UK so far this year, a record high for the first four months of the year. On Friday and Saturday alone, around 500 migrants crossed the Channel to Britain, bringing the provisional total for 2024 to date to 7,167. This exceeds the previous record of 6,691 arrivals from January to April 2022, and has already exceeded the number of arrivals of 5,946 from January to April last year. This means arrivals are 24% higher than at this time last year and 7% higher than at this time in 2022.

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