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U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Holds Change of Command Ceremony > U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > 2015

U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Holds Change of Command Ceremony > U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > 2015


PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii – Adm. Samuel J. Paparo assumed command of the United States Indo-Pacific Command after Adm. John C. Aquilino during a change of command ceremony May 3, 2024. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III presided over the event aboard Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in attendance. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., heads of state, defense chiefs and other dignitaries. “This command’s mission is at the heart of American security in the 21st century. Every day, Indo-Pacific Command provides oversight of our priority theater of operations,” Austin said in his opening remarks. “And together, with our unrivaled network of allies and partners, you advance our shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.” Aquilino, a native of Huntington, New York, graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1986. He assumed command as the 26th commander of USINDOPACOM in 2021. “This command intensified under the extraordinary leadership of Admiral Aquilino, has helped transform our posture, strengthen our readiness, deepen our alliances and partnerships,” Austin said. “It was all reinforcing. our deterrent. As commander, Aquilino was responsible for leading more than 380,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Guardsmen, Coast Guardsmen and Department of Defense civilians, and maintained responsibility for all U.S. military activities in the Indo-Pacific, covering 38 countries and 14 time zones. and more than 50 percent of the world's population. Aquilino expressed his gratitude to the military who are at the forefront of defending stability and security throughout the region. He also recognized the crucial role played by Allies and their partners in maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific. “Mr. Secretary, I am grateful that you, the President, and Congress have entrusted me with this incredible position. When I took command three years ago, I said I would give you my full and unwavering commitment to take on this great project. responsibility and I do my best to achieve it,” Aquilino said. “I hope you believe I’ve hit that mark.” “[This command is] the crème de la crème, in the most crucial theater, against the most formidable threat. They understand theater, they understand people, they understand cultures and they are the right people at the right time,” Aquilino said. “Pappy, they will serve you well.” Paparo takes over as the 27th commander of USINDOPACOM, after commanding the U.S. Pacific Fleet, from 2021 to 2024. Paparo, a native of Morton, Pennsylvania, and graduate of Villanova University, brings to the role decades of leadership experience and regional knowledge. His previous commands include Carrier Strike Group 10, George HW Bush Carrier Strike Group, Carrier Air Wing 7, and Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 195. Ashore, Paparo served in a variety of fleet and joint positions, including as Commander, United States Naval Forces Central Command. 5th Fleet/Combined Maritime Forces. A distinguished U.S. naval aviator and TOPGUN graduate, Paparo has logged more than 6,000 flight hours and made 1,100 aircraft carrier landings. During the ceremony, Paparo reflected on USINDOPACOM's central role in regional peace and security and reaffirmed his commitment to the region and strengthening alliances with our allies and partners. “THE [USINDOPACOM] The team is uniquely poised to shape the current strategic environment to the advantage of our nation and our allies and partners. We must act now with a sense of urgency,” Paparo said. “We set out on this path with the effort to regain the advantage under Admiral Davidson, we built together on that progress in which we took the initiative under 'Lung' Aquilino, and now we will take away. God bless America and let's get to work. USINDOPACOM, in concert with other U.S. government agencies, protects and defends the territory of the United States, its people, and its interests. With its Allies and partners, USINDOPACOM is committed to strengthening stability in the Indo-Pacific region by promoting security cooperation, encouraging peaceful development, responding to contingencies, deterring aggression, and, if necessary, fighting to win. This approach is based on partnership, presence and military preparation.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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