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3 bodies found in search of missing American and Australian surfers in Mexico: report

3 bodies found in search of missing American and Australian surfers in Mexico: report


Three bodies have been found near a popular Mexican surfing destination where an American and two Australian tourists disappeared last week, according to a report.

Three sources close to the investigation confirmed the discovery to Reuters on Friday, nearly a week after Jack Carter Rhoad, 30, and his brothers Callum, 33, and Jake Robinson, 30, were last seen times in the province of Baja California.

They were enjoying a surf vacation in the port city of Ensenada, just 80 miles south of San Diego, a trip they documented on social media until Saturday, when the posts mysteriously stopped and they failed to arrive at an Airbnb.

American Jack Carter Rhoad was on a surfing trip with his two Australian friends when he disappeared on Saturday. callum10robinson/Instagram

Investigators suspected foul play after discovering abandoned tents in the area that linked the trio to the missing surfers, Baja California's attorney general said Thursday.

They also found a burned white pickup truck — similar to the white Chevrolet Colorado pickup the men were driving, according to a missing persons poster.

Mexican police are investigating three people linked to the men's disappearance, but have not said whether they are considered suspects. One of them, a 23-year-old woman, was arrested with drugs and a cell phone with a wallpaper photo of one of the men. missing men, the San Diego Tribune reported.

A task force (of investigators) is at the site where they were last seen, where tents and other evidence were found that could be linked to these three people under investigation. investigation, said Baja California chief prosecutor Mara Elena Andrade Ramrez.

There is a lot of important information that we cannot make public.

The mother of Australian brothers Callum and Jake Robinson reported them missing on Wednesday, four days after she last heard from them. callum10robinson/Instagram

We don't know what condition they are in, she added.

Although drug cartels are active in the area, she said all lines of investigation are currently open. We can't rule anything out until we find them.

Prosecutors would not confirm that the bodies had been found or whether they were those of the Robinson brothers and Rhoads, saying only that they were “aware of this information and are closely monitoring the situation.”

The men were driving a white Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck during the surf trip. callum10robinson/Instagram

The friends had been missing for several days before being reported, making the investigation more difficult to pin down, Andrade Ramrez said.

On Wednesday, the mother of the missing Australian, Debra Robinson, posted on a local community Facebook page a plea for help to find her sons, Jake and Callum, who she had not heard from since Saturday.

Callum, she noted, is diabetic.

Investigators found a burned white pickup next to abandoned tents. Patrulla646/Facebook

In the hours before their disappearance, Callum shared a series of social media posts describing what looked like an exhilarating vacation along the Pacific coast.

The men were seen donning wetsuits, drinking beers and enjoying local foods on Rosarito Beach, where they surfed and camped before moving another 50 miles south to the port city of Ensenada.

A snapshot shows the white van which some sources say is the same one found burned at the abandoned camp.

Callum Robinson posted a series of photos from the surf trip in the hours before their mysterious disappearance. callum10robinson/Instagram

Callum shared a final photo of themselves on San Miguel Beach in Ensenada, but never made it to the Airbnb they rented on Saturday.

“…and it begins,” Callum captioned the post, alongside an emoji of the Mexican flag and a surfer.

Baja California is one of Mexico's most violent states, although tourist areas like Ensenada are considered safer.

Police are investigating three people in connection with the crime, including a 23-year-old woman, who was arrested in possession of drugs and a cellphone with a wallpaper photo of one of the men disappeared. NCA Newswire Stay up to date with today's most important news

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The U.S. State Department is advising Americans to reconsider travel to the state due to crimes and kidnappings.

An Australian Foreign Department spokesperson said its embassy in Mexico was working closely with Mexican authorities and the Australian Federal Police.

“The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recognizes that this is a very distressing time for the family and is in regular contact with them to provide support,” they said.

With post wires




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