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UK Ministry of Defense targeted in cyberattack: Minister | Cybercrime News

UK Ministry of Defense targeted in cyberattack: Minister |  Cybercrime News


It was reported that a third-party payroll system containing the names and banking information of military personnel had been hacked.

The UK's Ministry of Defense has been the target of a large-scale cyber attack, a government minister has confirmed to British media.

On Tuesday, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride told Sky News, which first reported the hack, that although the attack targeted systems run by an external company, it was still a very significant issue.

It targeted a third-party payroll system used by the Ministry of Defense and contained the names and banking details of current and former military personnel, Sky News and the BBC reported.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said it was likely a malicious actor had compromised the payments system.

There are indications that a malicious actor has compromised the military payments network, Sunak told reporters.

I want to reassure people that the Department of Defense has already taken steps to take the network offline and ensure those affected are supported in the right way.

Defense Secretary Grant Shapps is expected to provide further details to Congress this afternoon.

Department of Defense [Ministry of Defence] We took action very quickly to take this database offline. Stride told Sky it was a third-party database and not one operated directly by the Ministry of Defense. The Department of Defense first discovered the cyberattack a few days ago.

Tobias Ellwood, a former Conservative government minister, said the incident was characteristic of a Chinese cyber attack.

The former soldier and chairman of the National Assembly's Defense Committee said targeting pay system names and soldiers' bank details points to China as this could be part of a plan, a strategy, to see who can be coerced. BBC Radio.

Meanwhile, Stride said the government is not currently blaming Beijing.

He added that this is not the assumption we are talking about at this very moment.

According to British media reports, Shapps expects to confirm that a hostile country is the culprit, but the government is not expected to publicly name China.

China refutes the claim as nonsense

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said China opposes all forms of cyberattacks and rejects any attempt to use the hacking issue for political purposes to smear other countries.

The comments by the British politicians involved were complete nonsense, Lean said on Tuesday. China has always firmly opposed and cracked down on all types of cyber attacks.

The two countries have increasingly sparred over hacking issues, with Britain in March following two high-profile attacks in recent years by Chinese hackers and Chinese companies targeting lawmakers critical of China and China's election watchdog. It was revealed that he was behind the attack on . .

Relations have been strained as Britain tries to find a delicate balance between neutralizing the security threat posed by China while maintaining or strengthening its engagement in some areas such as trade, investment and climate change.

But concerns are growing about allegations of espionage in the UK, especially ahead of a general election scheduled for later this year, and some British politicians are becoming increasingly vocal about the threat posed by China.




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