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Britain expels Russian military attaché over dangerous activities in Moscow | News

Britain expels Russian military attaché over dangerous activities in Moscow |  News


With Russia promising an appropriate response, the British government appointed Maxim Elovik as an undeclared military intelligence officer.

The British government said it would expel a Russian defense attaché on espionage charges as part of a raft of measures targeting Moscow's intelligence-gathering activities in Britain.

Home Secretary James Cleverley said on Wednesday the measures were aimed at the Russian government's reckless and dangerous activities across Europe.

The move will see the appointment of Russian Colonel Maxim Elovik, whom the government has named an undeclared military intelligence officer. It will also revoke the diplomatic status of several Russian-owned assets suspected of being used for intelligence purposes and impose new restrictions on Russian diplomatic visas and visits.

Going forward, we should expect accusations of Russophobia, conspiracy theories and hysteria from the Russian government, Cleverly told parliament. This is nothing new and the British people and the British government will not be fooled by this or seen as fools by Putin's bots, trolls and minions.

The Russian Embassy in London said that Britain's sanctions against Russia were imposed under absurd and absurd pretexts and promised an appropriate response, the Russian state-run TASS news agency reported.

Britain has had an uneasy relationship with Russia for years, accusing its agents of targeted killings and espionage, including cyberattacks targeting British lawmakers and leaking and amplifying sensitive information for Russian interests.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Britain sanctioned hundreds of wealthy Russians and cracked down on money laundering through London's property and financial markets.

The government said Wednesday's action followed a criminal case in London alleging espionage and sabotage by people acting on behalf of Russia.

It also cited allegations that the Russian government planned to disrupt military aid to Ukraine from Germany and Poland, conducted reconnaissance activities in Bulgaria and Italy, and engaged in cyber and disinformation activities, violating airspace, and disrupting civil air traffic by jamming GPS signals. I did.

Russia's attempts to undermine British and European security have become increasingly brazen since its illegal invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said. These actions are a clear message to the Russian state that their actions will surely be responded to.

Elovik has been living in the UK since at least 2020. TASS said it was summoned to the UK Ministry of Defense on the day Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

He was later spotted in London and Manchester offering flowers to Soviet soldiers who died during World War II.




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