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Pertussis cases continue to increase.

Pertussis cases continue to increase.


Pertussis cases continue to rise, with 1,319 confirmed in March, according to new data released today by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). This follows 556 cases in January and 918 cases in February, bringing the total number of cases in 2024 to 2,793.

Unfortunately, there were five infant deaths in the first quarter of 2024 (January to March). Young infants are at the highest risk of serious complications and death from whooping cough. Updated estimates of vaccine effectiveness during pregnancy show a high level of protection against infant mortality (92%).

Although most cases (50.8%, 1420 people) during this quarter occurred in those aged 15 years and older with mild disease, the incidence of pertussis is still highest in infants under 3 months of age.

Pertussis cases are increasing in the UK, as well as in several other countries, from December 2023 due to a combination of factors. Whooping cough is a cyclical disease that peaks every three to five years. The last cyclical increase occurred in 2016. However, like other diseases, restrictions and public behavior during the pandemic have reduced cases to very low numbers. Therefore, this is the year when the peak season is delayed. The impact of the pandemic also means that the population's immunity is reduced.

Vaccination rates to prevent whooping cough have declined nationally in recent years in both maternal and infant programs. Timely vaccinations both during pregnancy and in infancy are important to protect vulnerable young babies from serious diseases.

Dr Gayatri Amirthalingam, an epidemiologist at the UK's Department of Health and Safety, said:

Vaccination is still the best defense against whooping cough, and it is important for pregnant women and young infants to be vaccinated at the appropriate time.

Pregnant women are given the pertussis vaccine every pregnancy, ideally between weeks 20 and 32. This passes protection to babies in the womb, ensuring they are protected from birth in the first months, when they are most vulnerable and before they receive their own vaccines.

All babies are given three 6 in 1 jabs at 8, 12 and 16 weeks and a booster dose for preschool children at 3 years and 4 months to prevent whooping cough and other serious diseases such as diphtheria and polio.

Whooping cough can affect people of all ages, but can be very serious in very young babies. Our thoughts and condolences are with the family who so tragically lost their baby.

Professor Stephen Powis, NHS National Medical Director, said:

As cases of whooping cough continue to rise dramatically across the country, and today's figures sadly show five infant deaths, it is important that families come forward to ensure they get the protection they need.

If you are pregnant and have not yet been vaccinated, or your child has not had whooping cough or other routine vaccinations, contact your GP as soon as possible and call for emergency care if you or your child develops symptoms. Make an appointment with your GP or get help from NHS 111.

Whooping cough, clinically known as whooping cough, is a bacterial infection that affects the lungs. The first signs of infection are similar to a cold, including a runny nose and sore throat, but after about a week, the infection may develop into a cough that lasts several minutes and is usually worse at night. Coughing followed by a distinct hissing sound or difficulty breathing. However, not all babies make this sound, so whooping cough can be difficult to recognize.

If anyone in your family has been diagnosed with whooping cough, it is important to stay home and avoid work, school, or day care until 48 hours after starting antibiotics, or 3 weeks after symptoms started if you did not take antibiotics. . This helps prevent the spread of infection, especially to vulnerable groups, including infants. However, vaccination is still the best way to protect babies and children.




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