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Trump adviser: UK ban on arms sales to Israel could put special relationship at risk | Foreign Policy

Trump adviser: UK ban on arms sales to Israel could put special relationship at risk | Foreign Policy


President Donald Trump's last national security adviser has warned that Britain's push to ban arms sales to Israel risks creating a serious rift in the special relationship between Britain and the United States.

Robert O'Brien, one of the key security experts in Trump's inner circle, said Britain was jeopardizing its future role in the F-35 project and risking an anti-embargo from the U.S. Congress. The F-35 fighter jet, partly built by a British arms company, is being used by the Israeli air force as part of its bombing campaign in Gaza.

The Labour government has yet to decide whether to suspend arms export licenses to Israel amid concerns that international humanitarian law may have been violated in the war in Gaza.

In an interview with the Policy Exchange think tank, O'Brien urged the British government to do everything it could to stop the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into Israel, accusing the agency, headed by British prosecutor Karim Khan, of being very selective about which leaders it prosecutes.

It is the first public sign of the potential tensions that could arise if a Labor government under the Trump administration pursues a human rights-based foreign policy with the United States.

O'Brien said that if an arms embargo were imposed on Britain, it would likely create serious conflict between Britain and the United States, whether under a Harris or Trump administration, and he would proceed very cautiously.

He added: “The F-35 is a joint project and it will continue to go to Israel regardless of what Turkey, the UK or any other country has to do with it. I would hate to see the UK no longer be a partner in the F-35 project or any other advanced platform because of a very wrong arms embargo on Israel.

With Russia and China posing such a huge threat to the West, the consequences of an arms embargo on Israel are something Britain really needs to think about.

He added: Much of the advanced technology Britain relies on comes, directly or indirectly, from Israel.

He said the US would not impose an arms embargo on Israel, adding that any ally that did so would be taking a real risk and risking the ability of British companies such as BAE Systems to sell arms in the US and their own supply chains. An arms embargo would certainly lead to a counter-embargo in parliament on all products Britain sells in the US.

O'Brien said: This is a very dangerous policy proposal, one that could tear apart the special relationship and cause great damage to the Western alliance and NATO.

O'Brien has described the ICC as a de facto disruptor of regional peace, criticizing the court's oversight of Israeli politicians, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The idea that the ICC is targeting Israeli leaders is a joke. Britain should do whatever it takes to shut down the ICC, he said.

The UK has so far supported the right of the ICC to prosecute Israeli and Hamas leaders. The UK has withdrawn its objection to the ICC having legal standing in relation to Israeli acts in the occupied territories, a move that implicitly accepts the right of the ICC to seek prosecutions.

The United States has long opposed the ICC and has imposed sanctions on ICC leaders.




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