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The new leader of Britain's Conservative Party is the first black woman to lead a major British political party.

The new leader of Britain's Conservative Party is the first black woman to lead a major British political party.


LONDON Britain's Conservative Party elected Kemi Badenoch as its new leader on Saturday, seeking to bounce back from a crushing election defeat that ended 14 years in power.

Badenoch (pronounced BADE-enock), the first black woman to lead a major British political party, defeated rival lawmaker Robert Jenrick in a vote of about 100,000 voters from the centre-right Conservative Party, also known as the Tories.

She received 53,806 votes in online and postal votes from party members, while Jenricks received 41,388.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer congratulated Badenoch in a post on did it

However, amidst the outpouring of congratulations, there were often layers of criticism. Labor leader Ellie Reeves said chemistry had been part of the chaos of the past 14 years.

Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrat leader, acknowledged the historic nature of her victory over “I believe it cannot be brought in,” he added.

Keith Brown, deputy leader of the Scottish National Party, said in a statement: “The election of Kemi Badenoch as leader has shifted the Conservative Party to the extreme right.”

Tony Travers, a professor at the London School of Economics, told NBC News that Badenoch sits on the right edge of the centre-right party, is seen by party members as a man of common sense and appears to be Labor's least-supported candidate. I wanted to win.

As the first black leader of a major political party, she takes an interesting stance on issues related to race, Travers said. She is much less enthusiastic about progressive interpretations of the place of people of color in society than many whites on the progressive left, which will be complicated for Labor to deal with.

Badenoch replaces former chancellor Rishi Sunak, who last July led the Conservatives to their worst election result since 1832. The Conservatives lost more than 200 seats, reducing their total to 121.

The new leaders' difficult task will be to restore the party's reputation after years of divisions, scandals and economic turmoil, to hammer out Labor Prime Minister Kiir Starmus's policies on key issues including the economy and immigration, and to return the Conservatives to power at the next election due in 2029. Trying to get it back.

The task before us is difficult but simple, Badenoch said in a victory speech to a roomful of Conservative lawmakers, staff and journalists in London. She said the party's job was to hold the Labor government to account and set out its commitments and plans.

Travers said Badenoch would have to figure out whether the party should lean further to the right, wooing some of its supporters lost by the right-wing populist Nigel Farages Reform UK party, or try to move closer to the Voters had to win the general election.

Despite what Travers calls a historically dire outcome for the Conservatives, the party has a remarkable ability to regenerate, recover and fight back, but it remains to be seen what a more divided political environment will bring in the coming years.

In the UK, parliamentary elections are not held on a fixed date, but must be held at least every five years. Prime Ministers can choose when to hold one, and they often try to do so when they are confident they can win.

Addressing the party's electoral deterioration, Badenoch said we must be honest about the fact that we have made mistakes and that standards have been broken.

Badenoch said the time had come to tell the truth, stand up for our principles, chart our future, reset our politics and thinking, and give our party and country the new start they deserve.

Badenoch, the business secretary in the Sunak government, was born in London to Nigerian parents and spent most of her childhood in the West African country.

The 44-year-old former software engineer describes himself as a disruptor, arguing for low taxes, a free market economy and pledging to rewire, reboot and reprogram the British nation.

Badenoch, a critic of multiculturalism and self-described enemy of wokeness, has criticized gender-neutral toilets and government plans to reduce Britain's carbon emissions. During her leadership campaign, she was criticized for saying that all cultures were not equally valid and for claiming maternity benefits were excessive.

Tim Bale, a professor of political science at Queen Mary University of London, said the Conservatives were likely to move to the right on both economic and social policies under Badenoch.

He predicted that Badenoch would pursue what could be called a boats, boilers and toilets strategy… very focused on transgender issues, immigration issues and skepticism about progress towards net zero.

The Conservative Party does not represent the country as a whole, but while its 132,000 members are largely wealthy, its upper crust of older white men has become noticeably more diverse.

Badenoch is the third female Tory leader to become Prime Minister, following Margaret Thatcher and Liz Truss. She is the second non-white Conservative leader after Sunak and the first Conservative leader of African descent. In contrast, the centre-left Labor Party has been led exclusively by white men.

Badenoch is a combative politician known for taking on journalists, Labor politicians and even actor David Tennant. She called the Doctor Who star a wealthy, left-wing white male celebrity who is so blinded by his ideology that he cannot see the perspective of attacking the only black woman in government. This was after he told her at an awards show earlier this year that he wished she would shut up.

She will get her first chance to show off as party leader when she faces Starmer at Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday. The weekly political tradition features bickering between the Prime Minister and opposition leader as they engage in one-on-one confrontations in front of an often raucous House of Commons.




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