US election: When will the results be for UK viewers and when will the winner be called?
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The 2024 US election has arrived. Viewers around the world will watch for hours as the next president of the United States is decided.
Polls close weekly, approximately every 30 minutes from midnight UK time. Each would be a step closer to the presidency of either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, who have run for three consecutive terms since 2016.
Six battleground states out of 50 will prove critical to both candidates. These include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
As in previous years, in many states it may take a day or even the next day for the count to be completed.
People around the world will watch the results of the US presidential election (AP)
Viewers should be aware of how the American voting system works when the polls close. In summary, the presidency is decided by the Electoral College, not simply by tallying which candidate received the most votes.
The person who receives a simple majority of 270 out of 538 electoral votes in 50 states wins. Each state has a different number of Electoral College votes, with the winner of each state receiving all of the Electoral College votes.
In the UK, viewers can watch the results unfold on most news channels. For those of you following us online, The Independent will be covering all the action live.
Here's the timeline of events for UK viewers:
10pm UK time: Exit polls
Voting is still open in most states by this time (5 p.m. ET). At this point, it's too early to know which way the election will go, but the first exit polls have been released and should provide some early hints.
These polls are different from the exit polls that onlookers in the UK would see in a general election. This is not based on poll results, but rather on the issues respondents said were most important in this election.
Tens of thousands of people respond to these surveys, providing fairly accurate results. But knowing what issues motivated American citizens at the ballot box can only give us a hint about which way the final outcome will play out.
Midnight – 1am UK time: First map results
In the next few hours, polls will begin to close in more states. Polls close in nine states between 7 and 8 PM ET.
The results of this step may provide a distorted view of each candidate's progress. Mr. Trump is expected to win the lion's share of the Electoral College votes in this first round of primary races, and is expected to have a clear early lead.
More important at this point are two key battleground states: Georgia and North Carolina.
Georgia is scheduled to close first, and polls show President Trump has a slightly better chance of winning the state. President Joe Biden won Georgia by just 0.2 percentage points in 2020, and Trump won by an even more decisive 5-point margin in 2016.
Polls close in North Carolina in about 30 minutes. Winning the state would be a huge win for Harris, putting Trump in the position in 2016 and 2020.
Polls to close:
GeorgiaIndianaKentuckySouth CarolinaVermontVirginiaNorth Carolina (00:30 a.m.)Ohio (00:30 a.m.)West Virginia (00:30 a.m.)
1am – 2am (UK time): Polls close in crucial Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes, more than any other swing state, will prove to be the most important outcome of the election. Whoever wins here has the best chance of becoming the presidential candidate.
It's also one of the most competitive states in the country. Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 and then lost it in 2020, giving us an idea of ​​how important this could prove to be.
If we win Pennsylvania, we win everything. He said in September that it was quite simple.
At this point, it is highly unlikely that many swing states will call. But the results of the first two rounds will be very important. If one candidate captures Georgia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, it will be very difficult for the other candidate to come back.
Polls to close:
Alabama, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Georgia, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Kansas (1:30 a.m.)
2am – 3am (UK time): Three main states
Fifteen more states are scheduled to go into lockdown within this time. Among them are three major battlegrounds: Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
Trump's victories in these blue wall states in 2016 were crucial in securing the presidency for him. In that election, at about 2:30 a.m., the Associated Press called the Republican primary, and a few minutes later Hillary Clinton conceded.
By 3 a.m., six of the seven swing states may have closed and been called. Whatever happens next, the consequences may already be obvious.
Polls to close:
ArizonaWisconsinMichiganColoradoIowaKansasLouisianaMinnesotaNebraskaNew MexicoNew YorkNorth DakotaSouth DakotaTexasWyoming
3am UK time: Final swing status and other results.
Voting closes in Nevada, the final swing state, between 3 and 4 a.m. It represents only eight Electoral College votes, making it unlikely to be the decider.
At this point, what happens next will determine how close the race is so far. No doubt in many states it will take a long time to make the call, in some it may even take several days.
However, it may be enough to clearly indicate who is on top. If both candidates win landslide victories, there is little chance of a debate over who secured the presidency.
But Trump said he had no intention of conceding defeat that night, leading to concerns that he could make new allegations of election fraud, as he did in 2020 without bases. This is much more likely to happen if the results are close.
Polls to close:
NevadaMontanaUtahCalifornia (4 AM)Idaho (4 AM)Oregon (4 AM)Washington (4 AM)Hawaii (5 AM)Alaska (6 AM)
So when will we find out who won?
It depends on the results. The four swing states – Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – have absentee voting processes that can take several days to complete. Once the results come down to these states, it could take days to find out who the new president is.
A similar situation unfolded in 2020. Joe Biden was not elected president until four days after the election. Meanwhile, the result was decided before the night was even over in 2016.
This year, if none of these four swing states are called in and enough states are called in to give both candidates a majority, that candidate can safely be declared the winner.
It is important to know that when a week is mentioned in the news, it cannot be the official final result. Media outlets use unofficial results and predictions when announcing winners that night or the day after.
This means that very close results in any state (especially swing states) can further confuse the situation, as analysts cannot make clear judgments.
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