British trial to evaluate whether red grape chemicals can prevent bowel cancer | cancer research
Red wine was once known for its health benefits, which can protect your heart and even extend your lifespan. But scientists have debunked this claim and believe that at least one red wine component, a compound called resveratrol, may have real health benefits.
A trial launched this week will evaluate whether low doses of the chemical, which is also found in red grapes, blueberries and peanuts, can help prevent bowel cancer. The study, one of the largest drug tests to date for cancer prevention, will recruit patients at risk for the disease.
With the Colo-Prevent trial, we have undertaken a unique experiment to find out how a drug can prevent the growth of intestinal polyps, said Professor Karen Brown, a cancer researcher at the University of Leicester and the trial's principal investigator. This experiment could have big implications for how to prevent colon cancer in people who are most likely to develop it as they age.
The experiments build on more than a decade of research in Brown's lab, which previously found that purified resveratrol could slow tumor growth in mice and reach the intestines undigested.
The trial is recruiting people aged 50 to 73 who took part in the NHS Bowel Screening Program and were found to have intestinal polyps, small growths that are usually not serious but can develop into cancer if left untreated. Patients will have their polyps removed and will receive either aspirin alone or a combination of aspirin and metformin (a diabetes medication) daily for three years for this trial.
Others will take purified resveratrol or a placebo for a year as part of a substudy. Drinking red wine does not prevent cancer, and alcohol is a known cause of cancer.
All patients will undergo a colonoscopy to determine whether polyps have begun to grow again. If the trial is successful, all of the treatments tested could be offered to people on the NHS Bowel Screening Program to help reduce the risk of intestinal polyps forming and thereby reduce the risk of bowel cancer in the future.
David Trusler, 66, of Market Harborough, Leicestershire, was one of the first patients to take part in the Colo-Prevent trial and said he did so for his father, who died from bowel cancer when Trusler was a teenager.
Trusler was successfully treated for prostate cancer 11 years ago and has been participating in a colorectal cancer monitoring program ever since. Last June, abnormal results came out.
His first thought was, 'Oh, not again,' he said. I was really nervous about what they would find.
Doctors found no cancer, but later discovered two polyps that could become cancerous. Trusler said he is participating in this clinical trial for his father's sake, to provide future generations with a treatment his father never experienced.
Brown said there are effective ways to reduce bowel cancer through lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, drinking less alcohol, and eating less red and processed meat. She added: Testing has made great strides in detecting bowel cancer in people most at risk. But to further improve outcomes, we must first prevent more bowel cancers from developing.
Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, with around 44,000 people diagnosed with it each year, and the second most common cause of cancer death.
Dr Iain Foulkes, Executive Director of Research and Innovation at Cancer Research UK, said: “This experiment opens the door to a new era of cancer research in which cutting-edge science will make it much easier to prevent cancer. Insights from clinical trials will change the way we think about cancer prevention and give more people the opportunity to live longer, better lives without the fear of cancer.
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