What Biden's decision to allow Ukraine to use longer-range US weapons means for the war
kyiv, Ukraine (AP) The United States will allow Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range weapons to carry out strikes inside Russian territory, a long-standing request from kyiv.
It was unclear whether there would be limits on Ukraine's use of the Army's Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, as there have been with other U.S. missile systems. Their deployment could at least initially be limited to Russia's Kursk region, where Ukrainian troops seized territory earlier this year.
Since the first year of the war, Ukrainian leaders have pressured their Western allies to allow them to use advanced weapons to strike key targets in Russia, a move they hope would erode the capabilities of Moscow before their troops reach the eastern front line and could make the task more difficult. so that they hit Ukrainian territory. It could also serve as a deterrent in the event of future ceasefire negotiations.
READ MORE: US decision to allow Ukraine to strike Russian soil with long-range weapons draws warning from Moscow
The United States has long opposed the move, with President Joe Biden determined to avoid any escalation that he says could drag the United States and other NATO members into direct conflict with Russia , equipped with nuclear weapons. The Kremlin warned on Monday that the decision was adding fuel to the fire.
The decision comes in the final days of Joe Biden's presidency, before President-elect Donald Trump, who has said he would quickly end the war that many fear will force unpleasant concessions from kyiv, n takes office.
What are ATACMS?
The ballistic missiles, developed by US aerospace and defense company Lockheed Martin, have a strike distance almost twice as long, up to 300 kilometers (190 miles), as most weapons in the country's possession. Ukraine. They can carry out targeted attacks against airfields, munitions depots and strategic infrastructure.
The United States supplied Ukraine with ATACMS last year and they were used to destroy military targets in Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories, but not on Russian soil.
What is Biden allowing Ukraine to do?
Biden authorized Ukraine to use ATACMS to strike deeper into Russia, according to a U.S. official and three other people familiar with the matter.
The longer-range missiles will likely be used in response to North Korea's decision to send troops to support the Kremlin's forces, according to one of the people familiar with the matter. Pyongyang's troops are reportedly being deployed to help the Russian military drive Ukrainian forces out of the Russian border region of Kursk, where they launched an incursion in August.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the U.S. decision.
This is the second time that Washington has authorized Ukraine to use its weapons systems on Russian territory.
In May, after the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region threatened to strain Ukrainian forces, Biden authorized the use of HIMARS systems with a range of 80 kilometers (50 miles) to quell that advance. This decision helped Ukrainian soldiers stabilize the fight for a time by forcing Russian forces to withdraw their military assets.
Why does Ukraine need longer-range weapons?
Ukraine has asked its Western allies for longer-range weapons to shift the balance of power in a war where Russia has better resources and to strike with precision at air bases, supply depots and military centers. communication hundreds of kilometers from the border. .
He hopes the weapons will help blunt Russia's air power and weaken the supply lines it needs to launch daily strikes against Ukraine and to sustain its ground military offensive in Ukraine.
If used at Kursk, these weapons would likely require Russian forces preparing for counterattacks to push back valuable equipment and manpower and complicate battle plans.
Instead of Western weapons, Ukraine regularly strikes Russia with domestically produced weapons, some capable of traveling up to 1,000 kilometers (620 miles), but it still lacks sufficient quantities to cause serious long-term damage. term.
Will this decision change the course of the war?
The effect depends on the rules established for the use of weapons.
If the strikes were authorized across Russia, they could significantly complicate Moscow's ability to meet battlefield demands.
If the strikes are limited to the Kursk region, Russia could move its command centers and air units to neighboring regions, thereby mitigating the effect of these logistical challenges. It would also mean that many of the important targets that Ukrainian officials have expressed a desire to achieve may still be out of reach.
Ukrainian leaders are cautious about this announcement.
Today, many media are talking about the fact that we have received authorization to take appropriate measures. But blows are not struck with words. Such things are not announced. The rockets will speak for themselves, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said of the announcement.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Charlie Dietz noted that ATACMS would not be the answer to the primary threat Ukraine faces from Russian glide bombs, which are fired at more than 300 kilometers (180 miles), beyond the range of ATACMS.
Ukrainian leaders also said Russian forces had time to withdraw their assets beyond missile range in the time it took for the United States to make the decision.
The decision came far too late. If this had been done in early autumn, it could have disrupted the Russian counter-offensive in the Kursk region. And if it had been done even earlier, it could have derailed the offensive towards Pokrovsk, said Glib Voloskyi, an analyst at the CBA Initiatives Center, a think tank.
Additionally, ATACMS' overall supply is limited, so U.S. officials have questioned in the past whether they could give enough to Ukraine to make a difference. Some Ukraine supporters say even a few strikes deeper inside Russia would force its military to change its deployments and spend more of its resources.
And the move could also encourage Britain and France to allow Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles, also known as SCALP missiles, with a range of 250 kilometers (155 miles).
Associated Press writers Hanna Arhirova in kyiv, Ukraine, Aamer Madhani in Manaus, Brazil, and Colleen Long, Zeke Miller, Matthew Lee and Ellen Knickmeyer in Washington contributed to this report.
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