Putin warns US over new nuclear doctrine
President Vladimir Putin signed a revised nuclear doctrine on Tuesday declaring that a conventional attack on Russia by any country backed by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on its country.
Putin's approval of the new nuclear deterrence policy comes on the thousandth day after sending troops to Ukraine, on February 24, 2022.
This follows US President Joe Biden's decision to let Ukraine strike targets in Russia with longer-range US-supplied missiles.
The signing of the doctrine, which states that any massive air attack on Russia could trigger a nuclear response, demonstrates Putin's willingness to exploit the country's nuclear arsenal to force the West to back down as Moscow continues a slow offensive in Ukraine.
Asked whether the updated doctrine was deliberately released in the wake of Biden's decision, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the document was released in a timely manner and that Putin had requested the government to update it earlier this year so that it complies with the current situation. .
Read more: Europe ignores latest Russian nuclear threats
Putin first announced changes to nuclear doctrine in September, when he chaired a meeting discussing the proposed revisions.
The Russian president has already warned the United States and other NATO allies that allowing Ukraine to use long-range weapons supplied by the West to strike Russian territory would mean that Russia and NATO would be at war.
The updated doctrine states that an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear power with the participation or support of a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on the Russian Federation.
It adds that Russia could use nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear strike or conventional attack posing a critical threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia and its ally Belarus, a vague formulation that leaves one wide margin for interpretation.
It does not specify whether such an attack would necessarily trigger a nuclear response. Among the key principles of nuclear deterrence, it mentions uncertainty about the scale, timing and location of possible use of nuclear deterrence.
The document also notes that aggression against Russia by a member of a military bloc or coalition is considered “aggression of the entire bloc,” a clear reference to NATO.
At the same time, it defines the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons in more detail than previous versions of the doctrine, noting that they could be used in the event of a massive air attack involving ballistic and cruise missiles, planes, drones and other flying vehicles.
The broad wording appears to significantly broaden the triggers for possible use of nuclear weapons compared to the previous version of the document, which said Russia could exploit its atomic arsenal in the event of an attack with ballistic missiles.
President Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist for more than 30 years and relies on subsidies and support from Russia, has authorized Russia to use his country's territory to send troops to Ukraine and deploy some of its tactical nuclear weapons.
Since Putin sent troops to Ukraine, he and other Russian voices have frequently threatened the West with Russia's nuclear arsenal to discourage it from increasing its support for kyiv.
Russian hawks have been calling for a toughening of the doctrine for months, arguing that the previous version failed to dissuade the West from increasing its aid to Ukraine and gave the impression that Moscow would not resort to military intervention. nuclear weapon.
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