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Storm Butte floods are 'absolutely devastating', the Welsh First Minister has said.

Storm Butte floods are 'absolutely devastating', the Welsh First Minister has said.


Residents Relieve Flood Damage Caused by Storm Butte

Wales' First Minister Eluned Morgan said flooding from Storm Bert was “absolutely devastating” as heavy rain and strong winds continued to move across the UK.

In South Wales, where a council declared a major incident, more than 100mm of rain fell in places, and a serious flood warning was issued in two areas in the south-east, posing a 'significant risk to life'.

Mr Morgan said authorities were preparing for the storm, but added: “It's always going to be difficult to minimize the impact given the huge amount of rain we've had over the past few days.”

The worst of the rain is moving east into England, with flooding also occurring in the Midlands and South West. There are currently more than 100 flood warnings in place across the UK.

An amber warning for wind and rain is in place for western Scotland, southern England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but is due to expire late on Sunday. A sole yellow warning for winds will be in force for parts of Scotland from Monday.

Hundreds of flood warnings were also issued in England, Wales and Scotland.

Wind gusts reached 75 mph in coastal areas and up to 65 mph inland.

North Wales Police said officers searching for a missing man found the body in the River Conwy near Trefrey, County Conwy, during storms on Sunday afternoon.

Official identification has not yet been made, but the family of Brian Perry, 75, has been notified, police said.

All Royal Parks around London were closed on Sunday due to strong winds. Hyde Park and the popular Winter Wonderland attractions are also included.

Park management said it would delay Monday's reopening after safety inspections.

PA Media

This was the scene in east London on Sunday when strong winds almost brought down scaffolding on Bethnal Green Road.

Following similar incidents on Saturday, road and rail service disruptions continued in some areas on Sunday due to flooding, strong winds and fallen trees.

A train from Sheffield to London was delayed by more than five hours, forcing services to be diverted and causing further flooding along the alternative route.

Due to the backlog, the train was stopped for two hours and staff provided free water and snacks.

There were many families with exhausted young children crying, and many people were frustrated due to the lack of information.

Pictures taken in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, show streets submerged in water as the Kyre Brook rises and walls collapse.

In south Wales, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council has declared a major incident after significant flooding. The River Taff burst its banks in Pontypridd, and villagers were seen using buckets to remove water from outside their homes.

Wales' First Minister said there had been “massive investment” following Storm Dennis, but acknowledged many people had been affected a second time.

Responding to claims there was a lack of warning from authorities ahead of the storm, she added: We knew for sure that Storm Butte was coming, so there was considerable preparation.

“But with the huge amount of rain that has fallen over the past few days and continues to fall, we recognize that it is going to be difficult.”

She added that discussions have begun on what support will be provided to those affected.

“Climate change has clearly led to changes in the severity and frequency of these weather events,” she said.

“There will come a point where it will be too difficult to protect every household in the country, but if we can do that, then obviously we want to provide support,” she said.

Three rest centers have been set up for affected residents. The council added that between 200 and 300 residential and commercial properties were damaged by flooding.

Record river levels were recorded on the River Taff on Saturday night, but officials said these levels were starting to fall as the rain subsided. But residents still had to exercise caution.

The Abercynon Feeder Pipe Footbridge over the river has been completely washed away, council leader Andrew Morgan told a press conference on Sunday afternoon.

The bridge was being rebuilt after being severely damaged by Storm Dennis in 2020, which caused significant flooding of homes and businesses when it hit the area.

Mr Morgan told reporters he was “surprised” that only a yellow weather warning had been issued for the area, adding: “We were prepared for the possibility of a yellow alert.”

Further east, National Resources Wales (NRW) issued two severe flood warnings for parts of the River Monnow in Monmouthshire on Sunday.

The warning is the most serious warning that can be issued and indicates that a “serious risk to life” is expected and disruption is expected due to severe flooding.

'Everyone go back!' – Video captures the moment of flooding in a Worcestershire town.

Pontypridd resident Paula Williams criticized NRW's efforts to adequately protect the area, saying the flooding occurred in “exactly the same place” as before.

“They've been trying to convince everyone that flood defenses work. They have videos to prove that flood defenses don't work,” she added.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he spoke to Ms Morgan on Sunday and would continue to receive updates as Storm Bert moves across the UK.

“I am grateful to the emergency services who work tirelessly to protect our communities,” he said of X.

BBC Weather Watchers / Emma

The River Taff burst its banks in Pontypridd, flooding homes and nearby streets.




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