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Elon Musk and a massive petition want new UK elections. Should we do that, or should we just stick to democracy? | marina hyde

Elon Musk and a massive petition want new UK elections. Should we do that, or should we just stick to democracy? | marina hyde


Now you will know about the petition calling for another general election. Lastly, here's the answer to what would happen if Mark had sex with the People's Vote. I assume we will no longer use the expression child child, but I will make an exception in this case. It's not a good sight to see not one, but two extreme political movements linking up and pushing out screaming signatures. I immediately started a petition to forcibly immortalize all political movements.

To recap, this is a petition started by a Shropshire publican after searching on Google for ways to change the Prime Minister. It's not a great advertisement for Google's search accuracy, but let's face it. But I guess we already knew it was aging like an unsealed box of white Philip Schofield wines. Anyway, the resulting petition has now garnered 2.5 million digital signatures. There will probably be a lot more than that by the time you read this. And it's been promoted by celebrities from Elon Musk to Michael Caine. OK. A Jaws movie in which sharks truly follow the Brody family to the Bahamas is no longer the stupidest thing Michaels has ever done.

Let me raise a perfectly reasonable complaint about the way Keir Starmers' government has been conducting business in a short period of time, and the extent to which this has been self-inflicted. But first, I think we should consider the unfortunate fact that England soon caught the man's eye once again. You will be found wearing a sticker that says Elons room keep out!!!!!!! On Lincoln's bedroom door in the White House.

The Space I mean, really, isn't it? Wow, it's better. And it's hard to believe that Elons would try to play stupidly impressed. He should know that in the UK and beyond, he can basically face previous surveys thanks to platforms like McPetition. But if not, can someone trick Vice President Moobs McMoobsface into agreeing that this campaign to retake the vote we took 10 minutes ago should be called The People's Vote? You can see Elon foolishly loving that phrase, even though that's what the title always implies. Yes, some people had already voted, but they didn't like the results, so maybe they weren't people at all? It's time for real humans to vote.

Unfortunately, Musk is not limited to just one aspect of British affairs and has decided to re-post a photo of far-right Tommy Robinson draped in a prison blanket. Elon asks: Why has he been in prison for 18 months? ? oh. Typically, I respond to particularly insensitive online inquiries with a warm response like this: Do you have internet? If so, search on Google! But given that Elon owns part of the internet, there must be something preventing him from doing this basic task. Perhaps there will be growing distrust in Google's search accuracy.

If so, I'd be happy to oblige. Robinson is in jail for contempt of court because he refused to stop repeating false claims about refugee youth. And this isn't the first time he's been jailed for contempt of court. He once attempted to quash a grooming trial that would have forced multiple female victims to go through the horror of having to testify twice. It's as if he doesn't care about women and actually repeatedly indulges in behavior that turns him into a beautician and rapist friend and does it all for the clicks and resulting cash. As someone who recently held a space rocket with chopsticks, Elon should definitely be the kind of person who understands that the Robinson grip isn't exactly rocket science.

Anyway, back to this petition. About 487 jumps down the food chain, Elon gets excellent support from Richard Tice, a mid-90s knitwear catalog model beta-ed under Nigel Farage's reform leadership. Tice is another person who seems to be a total crybaby about the voting results. Richard once called the People's Vote campaign a loser's vote, but now he's pushing it every day to make it the biggest petition in the UK. Can he have it both ways? Could a QAnon shaman and Steve Bray create a spiritual baby? I wouldn't have thought so. But the Internet is once again refusing to be bound by the facts. In fact, neither does Richard.

but. But what did Labor expect? We live in confusing times where customs and norms are collapsing day by day. As many said at the time, Labor had been disingenuous with voters about money during the campaign and always threatened to blow up sooner or later. Being foolishly vague about opening a book has been warned by everyone from the higher-ups at the Institute for Fiscal Studies to the depths of this column. Promising revolution through minor cuts to taxes or services has always been something that would leave those in Starmer's administration with nothing to hide. We are all here. If populism holds that there are simple answers to complex problems, then Labor's manifesto in the recent general election was clearly populist. And if you don't treat people like adults, they can't complain when you go to the youth petition.

Marina Hyde is a Guardian columnist.

A Year at Westminster: John Crace, Marina Hyde, Pippa Crerar. Join Crace, Hyde and Crerar on Tuesday 3 December as they look back on a political year like no other, live from the Barbican in London and streamed live worldwide. Book your tickets here or at

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