US Air Force chief's harsh warning about war with Russia and China
A war between the United States and Russia or China is not improbable, because “it could happen at any time,” US Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall recently warned during a speech.
The secretary of state's warning comes as Russia and China, two of the nine nuclear-armed countries, are increasingly aligned with each other. The White House has prioritized maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage over China while constraining a deeply dangerous Russia.
In his speech to U.S. Air Force Academy cadets Nov. 12, Kendall said his most fundamental goal as head of the Department of the Air Force was to “create a sense of urgency” about the need to prepare for the next war that “we may have to fight.”
“A war with China or Russia is not improbable, it could happen at any time,” he told the cadets, adding that China has weapons designed to defeat US forces in the Western Pacific Ocean, including Taiwan and the South China Sea, which are currently at war. its high national priorities.
U.S. Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall speaks during a roundtable discussion at the Pentagon on May 6, 2024. He told Air Force Academy cadets that “war with China or Russia is not… U.S. Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall speaks during a roundtable discussion at the Pentagon on May 6, 2024. He told Air Cadets Force Academy that “a war with China or Russia is not improbable. » More Eric Dietrich/US Air Force.
Last week, the commander of the US military in the Indo-Pacific region, Admiral Samuel Paparo, warned that his forces “need to be ready” after China staged the largest invasion rehearsal around Taiwan , an autonomous island that Beijing considers its territory. during the summer.
China's claims to islands, reefs and maritime zones in the South China Sea conflict with those of other countries in the region, but its disputes with the Philippines, the United States' oldest ally in Asia, led to the most intense physical and political clashes. tensions.
Although Russia has demonstrated a willingness to use force against neighboring countries, it has seriously considered employing nuclear weapons in the face of setbacks in Ukraine, Kendall said. “The potential for the use of nuclear weapons has become as real as I have ever known.”
The secretary also warned the cadets that they will be tasked with preventing “the greatest catastrophe imaginable in human history” as Russia increases its reliance on nuclear weapons while China builds up a nuclear arsenal comparable to that of the United States and Russia.
To think that nuclear powers would not go to war with each other because they have not done so in the past is “very dangerous”, he said, admitting that when the Soviet Union was dissolved, it was naive to hope that this would mark the end of the Soviet Union. threat of nuclear conflict.
“The threat of nuclear war has re-emerged, perhaps in even more dangerous forms,” he added, referring to other post-Cold War events that were closer to a nuclear conflict.
In September, Kendall's deputy, Melissa Dalton, urged the country to move “at full speed” to modernize its nuclear capacity. “We are facing for the first time in our country's history two strategic competitors who are nuclear states with large and growing nuclear arsenals.”
At the same time, the Pentagon announced that it had adjusted its nuclear deterrence strategy, including planning to deter “multiple nuclear-armed adversaries” simultaneously. Many states are prioritizing the role of nuclear weapons in their national security strategies, the report warns.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Russia and the United States together possess nearly 90 percent of all nuclear weapons, with 5,580 and 5,044 nuclear warheads, respectively. China's nuclear stockpile is the third largest in the world with 500 nuclear warheads.
Even if war with Russia or China is not inevitable, deterrence, which remains the goal of the United States, will only succeed if “we are ready for war,” said Kendall, who told the cadets that they would help ensure the success of the deterrent and achieve victory in the event of failure.
Newsweek emailed the foreign and defense ministries in Moscow and Beijing for comment.
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