Klobuchar and Buttigieg approve Joe Biden
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden received a boost before the Super Tuesday nomination contests when Senators Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg approved him on Monday after ending their own White House offers .
Buttigieg and Klobuchar each flew to Dallas on Monday to support Biden at a rally scheduled for the eve of Super Tuesday. At stake in Texas, 228 delegates are the third largest number of delegates available for the Democratic nomination contest. On Tuesday, 14 states will determine a third of the pledged delegates: 1,344 of the 1,991 needed to win the nomination to challenge President Donald Trump in November.
Sanders dominated survey averages in California's biggest price: 415 delegates are up for grabs. The Vermont senator, who welcomed the most delegates before Tuesday,tweeted on monday that he doesn't believe "we will defeat Donald Trump with a candidate like Joe Biden who supported the war in Iraq".
But many moderate Democrats and establishment party personalities feared that if Sanders, a Democratic socialist, was not appointed, he would not be able to attract the wide circulation that the party needed to beat Trump. Biden criticized Sanders' plans such as "Medicare for All" and the deletion of student debt as too costly.
Another joker is that former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg will start appearing on ballots Tuesday after spend $ 539 million until Thursday to cover the country with advertising.
To fight Sanders' popular campaign and Bloomberg publicity, Biden spent Monday collecting prominent mentions, including former Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Reid called Biden "the best capable" of defeating Trump.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler, who had previously endorsed Buttigieg, launched his support Monday behind Biden, saying "it is time for the party to consolidate."
The twin departures of Klobuchar and Buttigieg in less than 24 hours provided Biden with the opportunity to unite the moderate voters behind his candidacy.
Klobuchar presented herself as a moderate with the allure of the Midwest and the political "grain". She enjoyed a boomlet after New Hampshire primary, where a surprise third place gave him a necessary boost for fundraising and new political momentum. Klobuchar said the New Hampshire results show that she can beat expectations and build a broad coalition, as she did in her Senate races.
"I defied expectations and I won. And I did it over and over again in the reddest and bluest red light districts of the blue districts," she said. told New Hampshire supporters.
But his "Klomentum" seemed to evaporate as quickly as it emerged. She only won 3% of the vote in Saturday's primary in South Carolina, a result that practically closed her way to the nomination.
Buttigieg, a former Navy intelligence officer posted to Afghanistan, was one of the few military veterans in the race. He has also offered university degrees as a Rhodes Scholar with degrees from Harvard University and the University of Oxford who speak multiple languages. He inspired unity and inclusiveness as an openly gay candidate.
But after winning the Iowa caucuses, he struggled to gain ground with young voters and placed a disappointing fourth Saturday in South Carolina. In his opening speech Sunday at South Bend, Buttigieg said he "would do everything in my power to make sure we have a new Democratic president in January.
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Klobuchar invested most of her time and money in Iowa, where she finished fifth, and in New Hampshire, where she obtained nearly 20% of the vote.
But just days after New Hampshire primary, Klobuchar ran into ainterview with Telemundo when asked if she could appoint the president of Mexico. "No," she replied in a time that came back to haunt her during the democratic debate on February 18.
And New Hampshire's rebound was not enough to help him step up his campaign as the race moved to Nevada and South Carolina. She finished sixth in Nevada caucuses.
Klobuchar's rivals, including Biden and Sanders, were much better organized in these two states. And they benefited from broader support among Latin and African American voters, key constituencies over which she could not win.
Klobuchar, 59, has been the American senator from Minnesota since 2007 and the first senator from the United States. She launched her campaign in the middle of a snowstorm on the bank of the Mississippi River.
"I don't come from money," said Klobuchar as snow gathered on the crowd. "But what I have is this: I have grain. I have family. I have friends. I have neighbors. I have all those who are ready to go out in the middle of winter, all those who took the time to watch us today from home, all of you who are ready to get up and go to say that people matter. "
Klobuchar presented himself as the best alternative to the race liberals, Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren, boasting of his Midwestern roots and his ability to work across the aisle to make the things in the Senate.
"I am someone who can win and beat Donald Trump," she said in the first primary debate of last year. "I have won every place, every race and every time. I have won in the reddest neighborhoods, the ones that Donald Trump won with more than 20 points. I can win in states like Wisconsin and Iowa and Michigan. "
On certain progressive policies, such as Medicare for All and free university access, Klobuchar differed from his more progressive counterparts.
On the campaign trail, Klobuchar sometimes had to contend with a report that dubbed her one of the worst bosses in Congress, a designation politico gave it to him in 2018.
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the New york timesin 2019several cases reported for his unethical conduct as an employer in February. Among the claims: Klobuchar was known to throw objects of frustration, including filing cabinets and telephones, at helpers. In a notorious anecdote, Klobuchar would have eaten his salad with a comb when an assistant failed to bring him a fork.
Yes, I can be tough, and yes, I can push people, Klobuchar told reporters after initial allegationsdistributed. I have high expectations for me. I have great expectations for the people who work for me. But I have great expectations for this country.
Contributor: Rebecca Morin
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