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Biden Appoints Antony Blinken as US Secretary of State | United States and Canada


US President-elect Joe Biden is expected to appoint veteran diplomat Antony Blinken as secretary of state, media reports said.

Bloomberg, The New York Times and several other news outlets reported on Blinken’s proposed appointment on Monday, citing anonymous sources close to the president-elect.

Blinken, 58, served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser in President Barack Obamas’ administration, of which Biden served as vice president.

The New York Times called Blinken an advocate for global alliances and said he should try to merge skeptical international partners in new competition with China if he is nominated and confirmed for the role.

An announcement on Blinkens’ appointment is likely on Tuesday, Reuters news agency reported.

Biden is also expected to name another close associate, Jake Sullivan, as national security adviser, according to US media, while Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a 35-year foreign service veteran, is expected to be named Washington’s ambassador to the Nations. United. .

Bidens’ transition team declined to comment.

Blinken, a Harvard University and Columbia Law School graduate and a long-standing presence in Democratic foreign policy, has long touted the idea that Washington must take an active leadership role in the world or see that role filled by countries like China with conflicting interests.

His top priority, according to the New York Times, will be to re-establish the United States as a trusted ally ready to join the global agreements and institutions that President Donald Trump has abandoned, including the Paris Agreement on the climate, the Iran nuclear deal. and the World Health Organization.

Put simply, the big issues we face as a country and as a planet, whether it’s its climate change, whether it’s a pandemic, whether it’s the spread of bad weapons to assert the Obviously, none of them have unilateral solutions, Blinken told a forum at the Hudson Institute in July. Even a country as powerful as the United States cannot run them alone.

He added that Washington must also work with other countries to deal with the challenges posed by China, a country he described as a competitor of the United States. Nonetheless, a Biden administration, he said, would engage and work with China in areas of common interest, such as tackling climate change and global pandemics.

Blinken also called for a change in the US approach to Iran.

He was closely involved in the Obama administrations sealing a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran in 2015 and strongly criticized Trump’s withdrawal from the pact, noting that Iran has since stepped up its nuclear program and stepped up its support for regional proxies even then. that its economy takes a hit from US sanctions.

Along with other helpers from Biden, Blinken said Washington should be ready to return to the deal with Iran, but at the same time seek a stronger, more lasting deal.

Richard Haass, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote on Twitter that Blinken would be a strong secretary of state.

Besides an in-depth knowledge of foreign policy, Blinken has a relationship with his boss that allows him to speak the truth in power and the authority to speak on behalf of his boss, Haass wrote.

Biden is committed to building the most diverse government in modern history, and he and his team often speak of their desire for his administration to reflect the diversity of the United States. He is being watched to see if he will make history by appointing the first woman to head the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, or the Veterans Affairs Department, or the first black American to top the Department of Defense, the Department of Defense. the Interior or the Treasury.

Ron Klain, Bidens ‘new chief of staff, said on Sunday that the Trump administrations’ refusal to clear the way for the Bidens team to access key information about agencies and federal dollars for the transition had adverse consequences on planning, including the Cabinet selection process. .

Trump’s general service administration has yet to acknowledge that Biden won the election, a determination that would remove those obstacles.

Were unable to obtain background checks of cabinet candidates. And so there are definite impacts. These impacts are escalating every day, Klain told ABC this week.

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