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Former ambassador warns expiration of key nuclear treaty with Russia would worsen US situation


The Biden administration has pushed to extend the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or new START, with Russia for five years, which is due to expire on February 5. The nuclear deal regulates and limits the number of nuclear weapons each country can possess. Russian officials said on Friday they welcomed the news.

Michael McFaul told CNBC “The News with Shepard Smith” that the expiration of the new START with Russia would make the situation worse for the United States.

“We would lose our audit ability to look inward and look at Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” said McFaul, who served as U.S. Ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014. “You remember Ronald Reagan used to say, “Trust but check? “I’m saying don’t trust, just check, and the new START treaty allows us to do that. I think it’s the right decision of the new Biden team to extend it.”

Joel Rubin is a former Assistant Under Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, where he worked with members of Congress on several national security issues, including nuclear security. He agreed with McFaul and told “The News with Shepard Smith” that the deal stabilizes relations between the two nuclear powers.

“The Trump administration tried to use its delayed renewal of the treaty as leverage, but got nothing in return, thus putting the whole treaty in jeopardy,” said Rubin, who was also the director of the policy of Plowshares Fund, the nation’s nuclear security leader. foundation. “We need stability between the United States and Russia, which together hold over 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. The renewal of the new START will do that.”

Relations between Moscow and the United States are strained amid the massive cyberattack targeting federal agencies, interference in the American elections and the recent arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexie Navalny. President Joe Biden will ask his director of national intelligence Avril Haines to review Russian interference in the 2020 election, according to the Washington Post.

McFaul told host Shepard Smith he believed the response against Russia would likely be sanctions, but that the Biden administration had choices when it came to sanctions against Russia.

“The easy thing to do is sanction an unnamed group of colonels, the FSB, the successor group to the KGB, and tick the box,” McFaul said. “The boldest move would be to sanction some of those who allow Putin’s regime, including some of the economic oligarchs who support Putin.”

Rubin added that the United States should also work closely with its European and Asian allies to pressure Russia to change and address its internal repression and aggressive international behavior, “rather than push them back and reduce diplomatic pressure on Russia, as the Trump administration has done. “

McFaul told Smith he was not sure President Joe Biden wanted to spend political capital to get tougher on Russia, due to domestic issues facing the United States, including Covid and an economic crisis. . McFaul added, however, that he believes it is possible for Biden to do both.

“I think you could walk and chew gum at the same time, I think you should be able to do both at the same time, but we’ll have to wait and see what they choose to do,” McFaul said.

Rubin told “The News with Shepard Smith” that he thinks it is time for the United States to be “tough” on Russia and President Vladimir Putin.

“We should no longer be afraid of Moscow or bow down to Moscow, and we should no longer expect that we can improve US-Russian relations through children’s diplomacy,” Rubin said.

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