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A 48-year-old rock musician died of cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

A 48-year-old rock musician died of cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.


A 48-year-old rock musician died of a cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine due to a rare complication of a jab.

The singer, known as Zion, fell ill with a painful headache on May 13, eight days after the first jab at the Penrith Auction Mart in Cumbria.

He died on May 19th at the Royal Victoria Clinic in Newcastle.

An inquest will be conducted for Zion’s death, but the preliminary death certificate describes irreversible brain damage caused by bleeding caused by “complications of the Covid-19 virus vaccine.” I will. ..

His fiancé, Vikki Spit, 38, spent only one night away from him for 21 years, but said her life was “divided into millions.”

A 48-year-old rock musician died of a cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine due to a rare complication of a jab. The singer, known as Zion (above), became ill with a painful headache on May 13, eight days after being vaccinated at the Penrith Auction Mart in Cumbria.

Zion died on May 19th at the Royal Victoria Clinic in Newcastle. An inquest will be conducted on his death, but a preliminary death certificate will describe the irreversible brain injury caused by the bleeding.  '.He is depicted above in his fiancé Vikki Spit

Zion died on May 19th at the Royal Victoria Clinic in Newcastle. An inquest will be held for his death, but a preliminary death certificate describes the irreversible brain injury caused by bleeding. ‘.He is depicted above in his fiancé Vikki Spit

The couple met at a rock club in London, toured for many years as the glam punk band Spitlikedis, and settled in a quiet country life in Alston near the Northumberland-Cumbria border in 2014.

Two days after Zion’s intolerable headache began, she called an ambulance, but paramedics said it was “too long” to be caused by his jab.

Zion’s condition deteriorated and he died in the hospital on May 19. The reason was a preliminary death certificate showing cerebral hemorrhage due to vaccine complications.

Spit says he is still “pre-vaccinated” and remains “completely crushed” by the loss, but he is asking the government to better educate medical staff about side effects. ing.

For years, Zion and Spit, 38, toured as glam punk band Spit Riquedis and settled in 2014 in the quiet Alston countryside near the border between Northumberland and Cumbria.

For years, Zion and Spit, 38, toured as glam punk band Spit Riquedis and settled in 2014 in the quiet Alston countryside near the border between Northumberland and Cumbria.

She also calls on the minister to rebuild the vaccine-damage system after knowing that she will not be compensated unless she can prove she was “60% disabled” before Zion died.

Last month, the director of health in the United Kingdom recommended that everyone under the age of 40 be offered an alternative to the AstraZeneca vaccine because of the risk of blood clots.

More than 330 cases of rare coagulopathy were found among 24.2 million recipients of jabs. This is about 1 in 75,000. 58 patients have died.

Born in Dorking, Surrey, Zion met Spit at a rock club in London over 30 years ago. “Because this pair was inseparable.”

The singer was named Zion by his hippie parents, but was also called Sir Zion. His name is unknown.

He and Mr. Spit moved to North Penin in 2014 and worked in 2019.

Spit said: “We’ve been in rock bands for over a decade and we’re less excited to do that.”

She began working as a helpless trainer in Northumberland, and Zion restored antique paintings and worked as a writer and filmmaker.

“We were planning to get married in April, but we didn’t get married because of Covid. Now we regret it even more,” Spit said.

She added: “I knew the young man wasn’t vaccinated against AstraZeneca, but he didn’t think of anything because he didn’t belong to that age group. It was all good, he did a little, He kept people safe.

Zion had no side effects for the first week, but on May 15th, he called an ambulance when he got out of bed.

She states: “The first respondents got all the information and thought it was appropriate to vaccinate, but paramedics said it was too old and came to the conclusion that they had migraines.”

Two days later, when Zion began to obscure his words before he had a seizure, Spit called Paramedic again.

Vikki Spit wrote on Facebook:  'This is the last photo I took of Z. I went for a walk, but I didn't know it would be the last photo. He is picking up the trash that people have thrown nearby. He always tried to improve things in the best possible way.

Vikki Spit wrote on Facebook: ‘This is the last photo I took of Z. I went for a walk, but I didn’t know it would be the last photo. He is picking up the trash that people have thrown nearby. He always tried to improve things in the best possible way.

He had another seizure while the ambulance staff was there and was taken to the Royal Victoria Clinic.

Spit said: “I couldn’t go with him, so I gave him a kiss and a hug and told him to see him soon. What he understood. I hope.

“I thought he had a stroke. He will be fine. He was very healthy and healthy because I was doing things like getting a provisional driver’s license, I I was able to get in and out of the town while taking care of him.

A few hours later, she said: “A neurosurgeon called me and told me that the pressure on my brain was so great that I needed to remove most of my skull.

“They said they had never seen anything like that. They didn’t expect him to wake up. When he wakes up, he goes into a vegetative state. And they said he thought it was caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Since his death, Zion has saved the lives of three people by donating liver and kidneys for transplantation and other organs for medical research.

Spit said: Life is divided into millions, so I feel like I have to put it together, but it doesn’t look as good as I expected.

“I thought I was going to be with Zion for another 40 years.”

What is the risk of blood clots after AstraZeneca jab?

Last month, the director of health in the United Kingdom recommended that everyone under the age of 40 be offered an alternative to the AstraZeneca vaccine because of the risk of blood clots.

More than 330 cases of rare coagulopathy were found among 24.2 million recipients of jabs. This is about 1 in 75,000. 58 patients have died.

However, statisticians analyzed the numbers and found that the rates were slightly higher among young adults, and that women also seemed to be at greatest risk.

Cambridge scholars estimated that about 1.9 every 20s given AstraZeneca jabs suffered from severe thrombosis with abnormally low thrombocytopenia (thrombocytopenia). For people in their thirties, this number was 1.5.

They compared it to the average number of Covid intensive care unit admissions that would be prevented by giving the cohort a jab. We then analyzed the risk / benefit ratios in different scenarios, based entirely on the prevalence of the disease at the time.

For example, if a jab is given at the prevalence level seen in April (less than 30,000 infections per week), only 0.2 ICU admissions are prevented every 100,000 20 seconds. For adults in their thirties, this number was about 0.8.

However, the benefits of administering the AstraZeneca vaccine to ages 40-49 have been shown to outweigh the potential risks (1.7 ICU admission per 100,000 blocked compared to 1.2 thrombi). finished).

However, the decision to recommend under the age of 40 is provided by Pfizer or Moderna’s jab instead. This is because outbreaks have been crushed to very low levels and it is known that young people are less likely to become seriously ill with the coronavirus.

Regulators argue that the benefits of vaccination are clear for older people, whose illness poses a much greater threat. Leading scientists believe that the jab has already saved the lives of about 13,000 people in Britain.

However, due to the low blood clots, the 10th Vaccine Advisory Board was unable to set an accurate age limit. Instead, they could only analyze numbers up to 10 years.

The first blood clot that surprised people was that it appeared in a vein near the brain of a young adult with a condition called CSVT (deep vein thrombosis).

But since then, people develop blood clots in other parts of the body. This is usually associated with a decrease in platelet count. This is unusual because platelets are commonly used by the immune system to make platelets.

In most cases, people recover completely and obstruction is generally easier to treat if detected early, but can cause stroke and heart and lung problems if unnoticed.

Symptoms are completely dependent on the location of blood clots, and obstruction of the brain causes severe headaches. Blood clots in major arteries in the abdomen can cause persistent stomach pain, and blood clots in the legs can cause swelling in the limbs.

German researchers believe that the problem lies with the adenovirus vector. This is a common cold virus that both vaccines use to get into the body.

Scholars investigating this issue state that mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer and Modana are “no complications” due to their different delivery mechanisms.

Experts at the University of Goethe in Frankfurt and the University of Ulm in Helmholtz say that the AstraZeneca vaccine enters the nucleus of the cell, a central mass of DNA. For comparison, the Pfizer jab goes into the liquid around it. It acts as a protein factory.

Scientists claim that some of the coronavirus proteins that have invaded the nucleus can break down and release abnormal fragments into the bloodstream, causing a small number of people to clot.

A 48-year-old rock musician died of cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Source link A 48-year-old rock musician died of cerebral hemorrhage two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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