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Congo destroyed after volcano and earthquake, local dispatcher shares his heart to help

Congo destroyed after volcano and earthquake, local dispatcher shares his heart to help


“God captured my heart and I heard his heartbeat for the Congo,” said a Manitoba missionary in her service to the poorest country in the world.

Doreen Lundy is the Executive Director of Together Building Africa (TBA). When she’s not living in the Congo and running errands for part of each year, she lives with her husband of 50 years, Stan, in Beauséjour, Manitoba.

“TBA is a registered charity in Canada,” says Lundy. “We’ve worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for over a decade. We are primarily involved in spreading the news of our great saviour.”

The type of work they do in Africa is humanitarian assistance to orphans and widows. They also bring hospital and school supplies, build water tanks, provide skills training for orphans, and offer microfinance jobs.

“We have 11 children, and we have adopted children with special needs,” says Lundy. “They grew up and we have grandchildren and great grandchildren. What a blessing. We thought we were doing something special, it was God who was doing something special.”

Since 2009, TBA has led conferences of priests in the Congo and built four church factories.

“A lot of rural pastors have no training, no scriptures, except for a church full of people who want God. It has been my experience visiting them with them that they teach the right things. That must be the Holy Spirit which is amazing to me.”

Many Lundy pastors come into contact with preaching even though they live out of a cardboard box.

“Every Sunday, this pastor would walk into his village and preach the gospel, risking his life. People were threatening his life and his family. These are our heroes,” she says.

The urgent need after the explosion and earthquake

On May 22, 2021, the Democratic Republic of the Congo experienced a volcanic eruption 11 kilometers from a city of 1.5 million people. The explosion caused earthquakes and continued after that.

“These people were thrown into a panic. As they fled the city, there were 200-400 earthquakes. Streets were cracking under their feet. There was chaos as they fled and families were separated. Hundreds of thousands of people are now there. Displaced.”

Access to clean water is also an issue that can lead to the spread of cholera.

“We have launched a campaign to raise money to provide food and water. They have no support and no place to live or stay. It is a tragic crisis situation. At least we can try and do something. Nobody can do everything but God is asking us to do something.”

TBA has been able to provide necessities for 155 families since the eruption of the volcano. They are still looking for donations to help those in need in Congo further, interested people can email Lundy at [email protected].

“It breaks my heart to see the suffering there. We want to be the hands of Christ that reach people. They know that God’s people are responding to them, making them feel like family and not forgotten.”

Lundy calls herself “The Medium” and nothing more.

“People on the streets were standing and clapping when they saw me and I just want to cry because it’s not me. I’m the representative of those they love.”

She hopes to return to Congo at the end of November.




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