Common Covid-19 Symptoms in Vaccinated People
By 2020, a dry cough and fever would have been apparent. COVID-19 If symptoms, and headaches and pain in the limbs were added to the mix, it would have been an obvious case of the flu. My nose was faint and my throat hurts, so I was lucky but I just caught a cold.
Here’s a very simplistic way to explain how the symptoms of Covid-19 are distinguished from those of other illnesses. Pandemic..
And there was a loss of smell and taste. It is the main sign of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This is still reliable — anyone who notices changes in taste or smell today should be ringing Covid’s alarm bell.
It is different from other symptoms. These are a little fluid. Try to track them using biomarkers and blood type based patterns. In addition, there are concerns about whether patients with Covid-19 have already been vaccinated, whether the infection is caused by a variant, whether the patient is healthy or unhealthy, young or old, or other health concerns. It depends on whether it is present or not.
New top 5
An ongoing study in the United Kingdom publishes the latest data on Covid-19 symptoms. In the Zoe Covid Symptom Study, infected people reported symptoms via the app. According to the findings, the symptoms of Covid-19 have clearly changed. this is, Delta variant, Which currently accounts for 99% of infectious diseases in the United Kingdom (as of July 12, 2021).
What are the most common symptoms in fully vaccinated people?
In general, similar symptoms of Covid-19 were reported in the app by both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, the website said. “But those who have already been vaccinated are less likely to have less symptoms, become more severe and recover faster in a short period of time,” he said.
Even vaccinated people can get infected coronavirus.. However, data confirm that these people usually have mild symptoms and that vaccination prevents severe or life-threatening Covid-19.
The current ranking of Covid symptoms after two vaccinations is as follows:
* Headache
* snot
* sore throat
* Loss of smell
Many of these are symptoms that we usually associate with the common cold. The possibility of confusing the two diseases is dangerous and may have affected the prevalence of delta mutations in the United Kingdom.
What are the most common symptoms in unvaccinated people?
Symptoms are slightly different in unvaccinated people. Some remain the same, but there are changes compared to when the virus first appeared about 1.5 years ago.
The current ranking of Covid symptoms in unvaccinated people is as follows:
* Headache
* sore throat
* snot
* Heat
* Persistent cough
* Loss of smell was 9th, and shortness of breath was 30th. These fluctuations may indicate that previously known symptoms change as the viral variant evolves.
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Don’t hurry so much
In the podcast “Coronavirus Update” (German podcast / transcript), German virologist Christian Drosten discussed the results of a study by epidemiologist and ZOE research leader Tim Spector and a YouTube statement. He believes that important points have been overlooked in the discussion of symptoms in the media.
The big picture of the symptoms has changed, “elderly people are getting more and more vaccinated, and now in their study, more young people are infected,” he said.
In young people, the symptoms are in line with a common flu-like infection, with headaches, sore throat, and a slight fever. Persistent cough, which was very typical in older patients, is now less common, says Drosten.
He does not attribute it to the delta mutation as much as the tendency of the sensitive population. Older people are more likely to be vaccinated, so they are basically made up of younger people.
“I think we have to wait until something really scientific about this is announced,” says Drosten.
If in doubt, test
If you feel sick and don’t know if it’s a Covid-19, the right decision is always to take a test and stay away from others until you get a negative result. In this regard, Specter and Drosten agree.
“I think it was also the purpose of this official statement to remind the population, especially the young people who are currently infected, that they should be careful even if they do not feel seriously ill,” Drosten said. increase. “When [that you] You shouldn’t think for yourself: “Oh, that’s just a cold.”
A recent Gutenberg Covid-19 study by the University of Mainz showed that more than 40% of all people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were unaware of an acute or previous infection.
In an interview with DW, study author Philip Wild acknowledged that testing should not be exempted due to low vaccination status and incidence. “Monitoring the dynamics of a pandemic is an important indicator,” he said.
It is not voluntary to be vigilant, but it is mandatory for vaccination, recovery and testing. Also, measures such as thorough hand washing, wearing a mask, and keeping a distance of 1.5 meters (5 feet) from others can help prevent the spread of the disease.
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