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Experts emphasize the personal health benefits of COVID-19 vaccination-ScienceDaily

Experts emphasize the personal health benefits of COVID-19 vaccination-ScienceDaily


According to a study conducted by economists at the University of Wyoming, the message highlighting the personal health benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine is most likely to raise vaccination levels nationwide.

“Our findings suggest that some form of public message may increase vaccination intent, but messages that emphasize personal health benefits have the greatest impact. “It was,” said Dr. UW.Student Madison Ashworth, lead author of today’s treatises Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences..

The new study is the latest in a series of coronavirus-related studies conducted by UW Business College economists Ashworth, Linda Toonstrom, Todd Cherry, Stephen Newbold, and David Finoff.

Researchers first identified vaccine hesitation as a potential obstacle to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, and found that vaccine hesitation was widespread. According to a recent study, 60-70% of adults in the United States will be vaccinated with COVID-19, which is below the threshold specified by public health experts to achieve herd immunity. I have.

To investigate the effects of various public health messages on vaccine intent, researchers examined a representative sample of 3,048 adults in the United States. Economists compared three messages explaining the benefits of vaccination. Benefits to the health of family, friends and people in the community. A fourth message emphasizing the benefits to local and national economies and the rigor and safety protocols of the vaccine development process. We also investigated the impact of combining multiple messages.

The message on civilian health benefits increased the intended immunization by 16 percentage points, significantly more than the other messages.

“A strong response to the message of private interest may partially reflect the political polarization of vaccine hesitation in the United States,” the researchers wrote. “Conservatives are more hesitant and have a particularly individualistic worldview. Therefore, they may be particularly responsive to information that emphasizes private interests. Our data support this idea to some extent. The impact of the message of private interest on the intent of the vaccine is greater for conservatives than for moderates and liberals. “

Economists say the increase in vaccine intent was stronger in the group that received only the private benefit message than in the group that received all three messages.

“This suggests that there is no benefit in communicating several different types of benefits, probably due to information overload,” they wrote.

Researchers also state that sources are likely to be important, and that reliable sources can vary between subgroups. For example, previous studies have shown that messages from your doctor are more effective than messages from the governor or the general public as messages that promote social distance.

According to a new study, people with low confidence in government agencies are 14 percentage points less likely to want a vaccine than people with moderate confidence. Of those who do not want vaccination, 90% are concerned about the side effects and novelty of the vaccine, and 75% are confident that vaccine developers and the Food and Drug Administration will honestly disclose the risks and efficacy of the vaccine. Lacking.

“Our vaccine safety message has had little effect in overcoming the lack of confidence in the vaccine,” says Ashworth.

Their findings show that the message about the private interests of COVID-19 vaccination is most effective, but economists want to investigate the effectiveness of various information channels to promote vaccines. We are proposing further research on.

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material Provided by University of Wyoming.. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.





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