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The CDC advises vaccinated people in high-incidence areas to wear masks

The CDC advises vaccinated people in high-incidence areas to wear masks


  • Due to the rapid spread of delta variants and low vaccination rates in many areas, the CDC encourages vaccinated people to return to wearing masks.
  • Many parts of the country, especially parts of the south and west, have significant or high transmission.
  • People who have been completely vaccinated with the virus have a very low risk of serious illness, hospitalization, or death. But they can spread the disease to others.

On Tuesday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidance on wearing masks. Authorities currently recommend wearing masks indoors if fully vaccinated people are in areas with substantial or high community infections of the coronavirus.

This helps prevent the spread of highly contagious delta variants of the coronavirus and protects others, the CDC director said. Dr. Rochelle Walensky During a media briefing on Tuesday.

Many parts of the country, especially parts of the south and west, have significant or high transmission. NS CDC data tracker It shows the community infection level in each county.

The CDC also recommends wearing masks indoors in all schools, from kindergarten to high school, including teachers, students and visitors, regardless of vaccination status.

Currently, the COVID-19 vaccine is only approved in the United States for people over the age of 12, and young children are not protected from the virus.

“Children need to return to full-time face-to-face learning in the fall,” Warensky said, with appropriate preventive strategies in place, such as masking, physical distance, and improved ventilation.

She added that the CDC’s recommendations for unvaccinated people remain the same. They should be vaccinated as soon as possible and continue masking indoors until fully vaccinated.

“This is not a light decision made by the CDC. It weighs heavily on me,” Warensky said. “I know that during the 18 months of this pandemic, people are not only tired but also frustrated.”

But she said the updated guidance is based on new science about the coronavirus.

“Information about delta variants from some states and other countries can, in rare cases, be transmitted to vaccinated people infected with delta variants after vaccination and spread the virus to others. It shows that there is, “Walensky said.

People who have been completely vaccinated with the virus have a very low risk of serious illness, hospitalization, or death.

However, as it is called a rare breakthrough infection, vaccinated people can infect others, including unvaccinated and immunocompromised people.

However, the CDC says, “Vaccinated individuals continue to represent very small doses of infections that occur throughout the country,” Warensky said.

Today’s announcement is a shift from the CDC May 13 Recommendation Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask outdoors or in most indoor public spaces due to the strong protection provided by the COVID-19 vaccine.

At that time, the number of cases was decreasing nationwide. Since then, they have risen in all states and are being driven by Delta variants. Delta variants currently account for more than 8 out of 10 infections. CDC data..

Some studies suggest that people infected with the delta mutant have viral load 1,000 times higher More than seen in people infected with previous versions of the virus.

In addition, Warrensky said in a briefing that recent CDC data show that vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals infected with the delta variant have similar viral loads. Said.

According to the report, the daily average of new coronavirus cases in the United States has increased by almost 150% in the last two weeks. Data from the New York Times.. In many states, cases have doubled, but in some states they have tripled or quadrupled.

Hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 are also increasing, most of which occur among unvaccinated people.

“The greatest spread and serious consequences of cases are occurring between low-vaccinated areas and unvaccinated people,” Warensky said. “At this moment, and most importantly, the associated illness, suffering, and death could have been avoided with higher immunization rates in this country.”

Many wanted the CDC to encourage more people to be vaccinated by relaxing the mask requirements for those who were fully vaccinated in May.

However, three months later, just under half of Americans were completely vaccinated. According to the CDC.. and, Recent polls It turns out that most Americans who haven’t even received the first dose do not want to be vaccinated.

Dr. Colleen Craft, Associate Chief Medical Officer at Emory University Hospital and Associate Professor at Emory University School of Medicine, said in another media briefing on Tuesday that public health officials are looking for other ways to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“If the dose is low, or if there are many people, such as children, who are not yet vaccinated, then we need to go back to stopping the infection with wearing a mask,” she said. ..

Multiple urban areas including St. Louis When Los Angeles County, Revived the duty of indoor masks to help control the spikes in the case.

However, the revision of the CDC’s mask policy for fully vaccinated people has strengthened the need to use all our free public health tools to control the rapid spread of delta variants. increase.

“Even if you are unlikely to get infected and you are unlikely to get infected, this is really just a way to stop the infection. [of the virus.]”





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