Coronavirus: One third of hospitalized patients develop dangerous blood clots
Up to 30% of patients severely ill with coronavirus develop dangerous blood clots, according to medical experts.
They say that blood clots, also known as thrombosis, may contribute to the number of people who die.
Severe inflammation of the lungs-the body’s natural response to the virus-is behind its formation.
Patients around the world are affected by many of the medical complications of the virus, some of which can be fatal.
Back in March, as coronaviruses were spread all over the world, doctors began to see much higher rates of blood clots than they normally expect in patients they are usually hospitalized.
Other surprises include the discovery of hundreds of microclots in the lungs of some patients.
The virus also increases the number of cases of deep vein thrombosis (thrombus that is usually found in the legs). This can be life-threatening when debris breaks and the body flows into the lungs, blocking blood vessels.
“Serious trouble”
Artist Brian McClure was taken to hospital last month suffering from pneumonia caused by a coronavirus. But shortly after he arrived, he did a scan showing that he was fighting a bigger fight for his life.
“I went to a lung screen and found a blood clot in my lungs, which was said to be very dangerous,” he said.
“At that time, I really started to worry. I received a picture that I would have serious problems if I didn’t improve.”
He is currently continuing his home recovery.
“I think the huge amount of data leaks over the last few weeks has revealed that thrombosis is a major problem,” said Roopen Arya, professor of thrombosis and hemostasis at King’s College Hospital in London. ..
“In critical care for Covid patients who were particularly severely affected, several recent studies have shown that nearly half of patients have pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis.”
He believes that the number of severe coronavirus patients who develop thrombosis can be significantly higher, up to 30% higher than data published in Europe.
The hospital’s professor’s hematology team analyzes samples from patients to show how coronaviruses change blood and increase stickiness. And the sticky blood causes a blood clot.
This blood change is the result of severe lung inflammation, the body’s natural response to the virus.
“In severely affected patients, chemicals spill into the blood, which has a knock-on effect that activates blood coagulation,” says Arya.
And all of these ultimately make the patient worse.
According to Beverley Hunt, an expert on thrombosis, sticky blood is more reverberant than mere blood clots and has a higher incidence of strokes and heart attacks.
“And sticky blood contributes to high mortality,” she says.
Anticoagulant test
In addition to all these medical challenges, studies show that the anticoagulants currently used to treat thrombosis are not always functional. And raising the dose to much higher levels is at risk for patients suffering from potentially fatal major bleeding.
According to Professor Arya, the balance between the treatment of thrombosis and the cause of bleeding is “unstable.”
But now, healthcare teams around the world are urging to work together to find the safest and most effective way to tackle the problem of blood clots caused by viruses.
Trials are ongoing to find standard doses of anticoagulants used in all countries.
But some experts think there may be another solution. To find a way to reduce the acute inflammation of the lungs that leads to the production of sticky blood that causes problems.
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