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Psychosis cases surge in the UK as pandemics hurt mental health | Mental health

Psychosis cases surge in the UK as pandemics hurt mental health | Mental health


Cases of mental illness have skyrocketed in the last two years England As more and more people experience hallucinations and delusional thoughts in the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Between April 2019 and April 2021, the number of people referred to mental health services for the first suspected episode of mental illness increased by 75%. NHS data show.

The rise continued throughout the summer, seeing 12,655 in July 2021, up 53% from 8,252 in July 2019.

According to data analyzed by the charity Rethink Mental Illness, there has been a significant increase over the last year since the first national blockade. In May 2021, more than 13,000 referrals were made, an increase of 70% compared to May, before the 7,813 referrals.

Charities are calling on the government to invest more in early interventions in mental illness to prevent further deterioration of the mental health of those who may take years to recover.

Statistics state that it provides some of the first concrete evidence of a significant level of distress experienced throughout the population during a pandemic.

NS Study earlier this month By 2020, anxiety and depression worldwide will increase dramatically, with an estimated 76m of anxiety and 53m of major depressive episodes more than would have been expected if Covid had not attacked. I found out that I did. Women and adolescents were disproportionately affected, researchers said.

Psychosis It can be very painful, as it can involve seeing and hearing what others do not see (hallucinations) and developing unrealistic beliefs (delusions). It can be a symptom of mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe depression, which can be caused by traumatic experience, extreme stress, and drug or alcohol misuse. It is also a one-time symptom.

Despite continued pressure on mental health services, Rethink Mental Illness emphasizes the importance of prompt access to treatment to prevent further episodes of mental illness and reduce the risk of people developing severe mental illness. I’m emphasizing.

Great guidelines for people experiencing the first episode of suspected psychosis state that they should be evaluated within two weeks. However, charities are afraid that more people will have to wait longer for critical treatment if the increase in referrals continues.

Brian Dow, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Rethink Mental Illness, said: Prompt access to treatment is essential to prevent further deterioration of the mental health of people who may take years to recover.

“These surges in the first suspicious episode of mental illness are a source of caution. We are now well beyond the first serious shock of this crisis, and the number of referrals remains very high. This sharp rise raises further concerns about the pressure faced by the younger generation during the pandemic, as the first symptoms of psychosis usually occur in young adults.

“The pandemic is having a breakthrough impact on our mental health and requires a revolutionary response. Dedicated additional funding for mental health and social care is at the forefront of meeting new demand. You have to go to service, otherwise thousands of people can incur catastrophic costs. “

Spokesperson for the department health Social care states: “It’s important for everyone to get the right support when they need it, and by 2023/24, with an additional £ 2.3 billion annually, the fastest expansion of mental health services in NHS history, It benefits hundreds of people, of thousands.

“In addition to this, we have invested an additional £ 500m this year to help those whose mental health has been particularly affected by the pandemic. NHS Mental health providers have a 24/7 emergency helpline that handles approximately 3 million calls during a pandemic. ”

“My head told me to deal with hallucinations.”

Tom Dunning, 30, has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, social anxiety disorder, and PT.SD.

“I was about 22 or 23 years old when I first started experiencing psychotic symptoms. After getting my bachelor’s degree, I was told to deal with hallucinations from my head almost overnight. It was a daily occurrence to hear them, and I thought there was nothing wrong with them, so I was pretty scared because no one knew what I was feeling.

“I used to be bullied when I was a kid, but now I feel like my mental health is bullying me with a voice telling me to do something. Everyone around me I started to notice the difference and noticed something was wrong, but I was scared to admit it. It was the first time I saw my GP and thought I needed support, but that It was the first time I realized that I could do it myself. “




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