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What does the end of the pandemic look like?

What does the end of the pandemic look like?


It is unlikely that the United States, of course, the world will be able to completely eliminate the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

But there will come a day when it is no longer a pandemic, cases are no longer out of control, and hospitals are not at high risk of being flooded with patients. Many experts predict that the coronavirus epidemic will look and feel like seasonal flu.

What is not clear is when and how it happens.

“There isn’t even a measurement that something is epidemic or pandemic, it’s all in the eyes of the viewer-and that’s part of the problem,” said Dr. Arnold Monto, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan. .. The Deputy Chairman of the US Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Board told CNN.

“Therefore, this isn’t all rule-based, it’s usually based on what you have to do to control the outbreak,” says Monteau. “The big difference here is that our vaccine is much more effective than what we usually see.”

According to Monto, the good news is the power of vaccines. The bad news comes with the changing and evolving power of viruses.

No one can predict what the future of Covid-19 will be. And he said the emergence of coronavirus mutants like Delta changed the orbit.

“Because of the emergence of variants as the infection pattern changed (I call this a parade of variants), there is now a much wider range of infections and a much more uniform spread worldwide. This makes it more difficult to declare the end of the pandemic, “Monto said. “The whole pattern of spread has changed, and there may still be pockets that haven’t actually experienced the waves that other parts of the world have experienced.”

“Wait, look, hold your breath”

In the future, Monto and other public health leaders say the world can track the epidemic of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, in a manner similar to how it monitors seasonal influenza. I’m expecting it.

Life after the flu in 1918 has lessons for the post-pandemic world

“I don’t know if SARS-CoV-2 has such a seasonal pattern, but it reminds us that most respiratory viruses begin to behave as seasonal events,” Monto said. ..

“Some of the coronaviruses that infect people have precedents for very seasonal patterns,” he added. “I don’t know if SARS-CoV-2 will start to behave that way, but at least it gives us one scenario where it might start to behave that way.”

As Monto said, you have to “hold your breath, look, hold your breath” to understand what the coronavirus epidemic looks like.

Now that the government is talking about vaccine boosters, it's time to cover Covid's unique reality.
What is endemic? Illness is always present In the population-but it doesn’t affect the surprising number of people commonly found in pandemics. Even in early 2020, pandemics are on the rise, so World Health Organization officials say the new coronavirus is “Can be another endemic virus In our community “and never disappear.
“When you think of a pandemic, you are in the pandemic stage, then the deceleration stage, then the control stage, and hopefully you will eliminate and perhaps eradicate,” said the National Director. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Institute for Allergic Infectious Diseases, US Senate on Health, Educational Labor and Pensions At the hearing on Thursday.
The CDC director states that human behavior determines when the Covid-19 pandemic ends.

“What we want is a low level that, if not completely eliminated, will not have a significant impact on public health or our lives,” Forch said. “So, if you vaccinate more people around the world and get more people vaccinated now, it can occasionally go up and down in the background within a reasonable period of time, but that’s what it is. You won’t control us. We’re doing it now. “

Last month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Updated that determination With Covid-19, public health emergencies still exist in the United States, so federal health officials are already thinking about how to measure the end of a pandemic and how to keep track of it after the coronavirus epidemic. I am.

“There is still a lot to do”

To move from a pandemic to endemic, the country needs to build immunity to the coronavirus-this means more people need to be vaccinated, says a pediatrician at Boston University. And epidemiologist Dr. Philip Landrigan told CNN.

The transition may take longer, as some Americans still refuse to take Covid-19 shots and some Americans refuse to wear masks.

Currently about 58% of the total population of the United States Covid-19 is fully vaccinated.
The Covid-19 numbers are getting better.But where they go from here will depend on vaccination, Fauci says.
“By being infected or vaccinated, we need to reach well north of 80% of the immune population, and perhaps well north of 90%,” Landrigan said. Worked at CDC 15 years.
For example, to control the spread of the measles virus in the U.S. population, Immunity exceeds 95%, And nevertheless, there were sporadic outbreaks. These outbreaks usually occur when there is a population of people who are not immunized in a particular place and the virus is suddenly introduced because the traveler is infected with the virus-and there are 20 cases of measles. In town, “Randrigan said. This is due to the fact that there are few cases or cases of endemic diseases are scattered. “

So far, the CDC says there’s a lot to do to control the current spread of the virus.

“We know there’s still a lot to do to stop the COVID-19 epidemic and end the pandemic. We’re still seeing too many new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. The daily average of cases exceeds 70,000. CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordland wrote to CNN last week by email.

“We look forward to autumn and winter, so we know about vaccinations, wearing masks in public places, using them indoors, staying home when sick, and washing our hands often. It is important to continue to implement the precautionary measures that are in place. “

Health authorities are familiar with the work needed to improve vaccination coverage.

The CDC recommends that almost everyone over 6 months be vaccinated against the flu each year. However, during the flu season from 2019 to 2020, Half of those people-51.8%- According to the CDC, it did. Authorities estimate that the flu caused about 12,000 to 52,000 deaths each year between 2010 and 2020.
Coronavirus Killed more than 750,000 people So far in the United States.

The annual fight against the coronavirus may be very similar to the annual fight against the flu.

“We’ve been thinking a lot about what the endemic stage looks like and the data we need to collect at that stage. Indeed, now we have data on cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. “We’re collecting,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Senate Committee on Thursday. Is to model. “

“A more probable picture of our future”

The CDC works with health departments, laboratories, hospitals and healthcare providers to Follow cases of diagnosed influenzaIdentify the influenza viruses that are prevalent and measure the effects of those viruses on hospitalization and death.

One idea is that when a coronavirus epidemic occurs, a similar tracking system can be used to monitor the pathogen.

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“We were able to handle the cases as we did for seasonal flu. We know that many cases occur in the winter, so we can staff the right people. Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Stephen Parody, the national leader of infectious diseases, told CNN.

“Am I still discussing ICU bed capacity? What is the supply chain needed to provide care to patients? Do you have enough medication? Do you have enough monoclonal antibodies?” Parody says. rice field. “There’s still a lot more to do to get to where we want. I think we’ll see this transition in 2022, but in some areas of weak immunity it will be longer. Run. “

Even the flu is unpredictable, and doctors have seen many flus over the years.

“I know there will be cases,” Monteau said. “For influenza, I had a previous flu epidemic, so I usually know how to do it. This is an evolving situation with a whole new pathogen.”





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