A new booster plea as the threat of Omicron approaches
The feared Omicron variant of COVID-19 is “knocking on the door” and will be difficult to keep away from the Cayman Islands, Chief Medical Officer Dr. John Lee urged residents to take booster shots. Was admitted.
Currently, only 16% of the island’s population is receiving a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. And public health officials believe that improving that ratio is the key to protecting individuals and the wider community from viral threats.
Despite many unknown factors regarding the latest variants first detected in southern Africa, Lee said vaccines are the best way for Cayman people to stay safe.
“Another factor related to public concern is fear itself,” said Dr. Lee. “If there aren’t many facts, most of the time I’m worried about scenarios that may not be true. See “Living with COVID-19”. We were very worried, but now we are accepting and dealing with it. “
Today we will look at some of the key questions about the ongoing threat from COVID-19 in Booster, Omicron, and Cayman.
How important are booster shots to remain completely protected from COVD-19?
Data and medical evidence suggest that the first two jabs of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provide sufficient protection to keep you alive and discharged, even if you are infected with COVID-19.
However, there are exceptions to this, and studies have shown that the defense provided by the vaccine diminishes over time. For example, a person who had a jab in January is more likely to get the virus than a person who was immunized in August.
However, protection is not completely reduced.
“Evidence suggests that two doses protect you from serious illness and death, which may also apply to Omicron variants.”
According to Dr. Lee, the third shot is a delta variant of COVID that guarantees 96% protection against symptomatic disease.
Is there a time when a person with only two jabs is reclassified as “not fully vaccinated”?
Cayman has reached the goal that 79% of the population is “fully vaccinated.” This is defined as having been inoculated twice with jabs. It is speculated that the definition of “fully vaccinated” may have been changed to include a third booster shot due to concerns about weakened immunity. That won’t happen in the short term, says Dr. Lee.
As explained above, two doses provide adequate protection against serious illness and death, so those people are not considered “high risk”.
Why does the protection provided by the vaccine diminish over time?
Currently, multiple studies have shown that some COVID-19 vaccines reduce antibody production approximately 6 months after the second dose.
A study in the United Kingdom found that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the prevention of symptomatic infections decreased from 90% to 70% within 5 months.
Although different studies have shown slightly different timelines, consensus has been formed on the principle that protection against infection declines over time. The same study shows that vaccines continue to be very effective in preventing hospitalization and death.
So how important is the documented reduction in antibody production among vaccinated people?
That’s important, says Dr. Lee, but it’s not fatal to the performance of the vaccine. Shots work at two levels. One stimulates antibodies that fight the virus, and the other stimulates a long-term “T cell” response. Antibodies decrease over time after jab, but T cell responses provide longer-term protection.
“T cells aren’t very good at preventing infections, but they’re absolutely important to end the infection,” he said. Alessandro Sette, Infectious disease and vaccine researcher at the Lahora Institute of Immunology, speaking to the Smithsonian. “The better the response of T cells, the less severe the disease.”
So why get a booster?
Obtaining a booster makes you less likely to get infected with COVID and less likely to spread, says Dr. Lee.
He suggests that if you don’t want to get it yourself, you need to get it for the benefit of the community, especially the elderly and vulnerable people who are at high risk of dying from breakthrough infections.
“You may think you don’t need it, but it may save the life of someone standing next to you in a church or supermarket.”
Simply put, 16% of Cayman’s population with boosters is least likely to catch COVID. If they become infected with COVID, they are less likely to develop symptoms or become infected.
For purely selfish reasons, these people are least likely to suffer the inconvenience of missing a job, being isolated, or being unable to travel due to COVID.
Lee believes that those with boosters are the safest if more infectious variants emerge that may contain Omicron.
“Omicron is knocking on the door. Put a booster on your arm to protect yourself,” he said.
Does the Pfizer vaccine prevent Omicron?
Data are still available on the threat posed by Omicron and how well existing series of vaccines protect it.
Global health experts still advise that full-course vaccinations and boosters are expected to keep people safe from illness and death. However, it remains possible that new shots need to be developed to specifically target this variant. This is especially true if it surpasses the Delta and becomes the predominant form of COVID.
Both Pfizer and Moderna have shown that it takes less than two months to represcribe an existing vaccine to deploy an Omicron-specific booster.
Dr. Lee encouraged patience because there are many unclear points about Omicron, such as pathogenicity and potential resistance to vaccines.
“It’s very likely that you’ll be able to protect yourself from serious illness and death, but before you relax, I’d like to show it clearly and as indisputable evidence.”
Can boosters or new shots become an annual requirement?
Again, science is still here. As COVIDs mutate and new variants emerge, it may be necessary to regularly deploy fine-tuned versions of the vaccine to protect people. However, there is a basic level of protection covered by the initial vaccine, and boost immunization or annual “replenishment” may be targeted only to a specific sector of the population.
Dr. Lee hopes that as the virus continues to evolve, a combination of vaccines and new antivirals will be used to protect people at Cayman.
Are people answering calls to get boosters?
The capture of booster shots was not as quick as public health officials wanted.
“Many people are reluctant,” admitted Dr. Lee.
Due to public campaigns and pressure from employers, Cayman achieved a very high percentage in the first two jabs.
But complacency with the virus and its pressure relief around the booster meant that the numbers weren’t yet what Lee wanted.
He added, “Having a booster shot is like getting an annual flu shot or taking a booster course as a kid. We all understand the notion that the strongest protection from immunization declines over time. All of us are learning about it very quickly, but there is no difference about this illness either. “
Where can I get it?
Currently, Kamana Bay is the main vaccination site. A new center behind Pricelight will soon open, allowing more people to be vaccinated.
Boosters are available to anyone who had the last shot more than 3 months ago.
“Boosters improve protection against symptomatic illnesses and improve protection against infections, which means greater protection for the entire community,” said Dr. Lee.
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