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Covid-19 Omicron Wave Reinfection: Is There a Limit?

Covid-19 Omicron Wave Reinfection: Is There a Limit?


Many cases of recently re-infected individuals COVID-19 It has been reported and health authorities are urged to re-emphasize the need to continue precautionary measures.Therefore, new guidelines for controlling the spread of Covid-19 and its variants Omicron Is also published.

With the same in mind, it is essential to understand why post-recovery reinfection, and in some cases double vaccination, is still taking place and what can be done.

What is Covid-19 Reinfection?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reinfection is when a person becomes infected, recovers, and then re-infects.According to experts, some based on what is known from similar viruses Reinfection Be expected. The ongoing Covid-19 study will help us understand:

* How likely is it to be re-infected?
* How often do reinfections occur?
* How long does reinfection occur after the first infection?
* How severe are cases of reinfection?
* Who is at high risk of reinfection?
* What does reinfection mean for human immunity?
* Whether people can spread COVID-19 To others when re-infected

In the AIIMS Delhi study, two doses of the indigenous-developed Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin Indian Healthcare Workers (HCW) Delta variant..The study was published in JAMA network open journal.

Another National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) study suggested that previous infections in Covid-19 patients were highly protective against reinfection and symptomatic illness.This protection increases over time, suggesting that viral shedding or an ongoing immune response may last for more than 90 days and may not be true. Reinfection.. Due to limited vaccine supply, patients with a history of Covid-19 may delay early vaccination to allow access to the vaccine to be the most vulnerable and slow to infect. The November 2021 study states.

Experts have noted a weakened immune system in patients who have recovered from Covid-19. Does it make people more vulnerable to reinfection?

Dr. Sulaiman Ladhani, a consulting thoracic doctor for MD thoracic tuberculosis at Macina Hospital in Byculla, Mumbai, believes that “repeatedly positive cases are extremely rare.” “Even if such a case is seen, it may be in a highly exposed environment for people like healthcare workers, or multiple people. Comorbidity Or very low immunity. But this is very rare, “he said.

Dr. MD Busheer Ali, Senior Consultant at Apollo Telehealth, said: It is unlikely that a Covid-19 infection will hit a person twice in a short time frame. “

Nose hair, infection Quarantine for medical care is important (Source: Getty images / quarantine)

Reinfection by COVID-19 Or SARS-CoV2 is said to be a matter of scientific debate. At present, it is not clear whether a person once infected will gain permanent immunity to the disease or may be re-infected. Understanding helps determine the intervention strategies needed to control the spread of the disease. This helps assess how long people have to rely on masks and physical distance, as well as vaccination and prophylaxis.

According to Dr. Bipin Jibhkate, a critical care consultant, and Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road, director of the ICU, “the deadly virus is still present in the body and can be positive 2-3 times a month.”

“It takes an average of about 30 days from the onset of Covid’s symptoms to the disappearance of the virus. It can exist longer for the elderly and those with severe illnesses, many times. Being positive can be shocking and worrisome to the patient, but it is that he / she is contagious and infection To others around. At that time, they may not have an active infection.Those who continue to test positive should follow Covid’s proper behavior: wear and maintain a mask Avoid crowds, And disinfect your hands. Stay home and don’t let visitors in your house, “Dr. Jib Kate said.

So does the antibody work?

It’s not antibody Does not work, but may “may not have sufficient antibody response to the infection”. As a result, one does not develop enough immunity and the body becomes more susceptible to infection again, Dr. Ladhani argued.

According to Dr. Vishal Wadhwa, Ph.D. in Quality Assurance Medicine in DNB Microbiology, Metropolis Healthcare, SARS Cov-2 is a highly variegated virus with mutations of over 330,000 rupees today. “Usually, mutations lead to viral death, but it rarely encodes the benefits of survival and guarantees increased transmission / severity of infection and immune avoidance. Vaccines / infections are two types of immunity. It provokes a response. One is humoral (antibody) and the other is cell-mediated. Antigenic escape occurs when a mutation occurs in the S gene that encodes the spike protein, which is why it is pre-existing. The humoral antibody of the virus cannot counter the new invasion and people are suffering from the infection. Cell-mediated immunity works later and cannot prevent the outbreak, “Dr. Wadowa explained.

covid test Many people take regular Covid tests (Source: Express photo by Amit Chakravarty)

He agreed with Dr. Arunesh Kumar, HOD and Senior Consultant in the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Pallas Hospital Gurgaon, explaining: COVID infection Episode “. Like other viruses, SARSCOV-2 also mutates. Mutation means altering the gene core, which is essentially the core of the virus. Changing the core material is new. It begins to behave like a virus, so immunity does not recognize them as the same Covid virus that was previously infected, “says Dr. Kumar.

In the light of Omicron, Highly contagious virus, what is the possibility? “Omicron showed at least 47 mutations affecting all regions of its genome, including peplomer. This causes an antigenic escape phenomenon that leads to reinfection and also in some PCR kits. This means that SARSCOV-2 cannot be detected. In addition, the patient may not respond to monoclonal antibodies or existing antiviral drugs. Antibiotics (Because there are also mutations in the regions that encode nonstructural proteins), “Dr. Wadhwa elaborated.

Dr. Kumar said another possible reason could be that the virus was “not removed from the throat.” “Even if you’re not sick or ill, you’re still virus In the throat detected by RT-PCR testing, “Dr. Kumar said.

So what can you do?

According to Dr. Wadowa, safety precautions (protective equipment, social distance, etc.) and vaccination doses, booster immunization doses / vaccination doses may help. “These boosters should be taken until then virus We will continue to change and throw the Variant of Concern (VOC), “Dr. Wadowa said.

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