February 24, 2022
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February 24, 2022
4 minutes read
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People who live in easy-to-walk areas are more likely to engage Physical activity According to the findings published in, it is unlikely that you will suffer from diabetes, obesity or other metabolic disorders. Endocrine review..
A review of studies on the health effects of a comfortable living environment and metabolism suggests that living in a more walkable neighborhood can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and obesity. Gillian L. Booth, MD, MScA scientist at the MAP Center for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, and a professor at the University of Toronto School of Medicine, evidence has policies to improve existing neighborhoods and inform urban planning. Said it can be used to create.
“The place you live in is important and it can have a serious impact on your health,” Booth told Healio. “There is now deep evidence of where you live and how much your neighborhood helps you walk. Physically active The use of more aggressive transportation affects the risk of developing metabolic disorders. “
Researchers analyze studies that evaluate the constructed environment, which is defined as all physical structures within an environment created or modified by humans, and how it affects various aspects of metabolic health. did. This review focused on studies assessing differences in metabolic outcomes between people living in areas that promote active transportation such as walking and cycling and areas that promote car use.
Most studies in the reviews have found that people living in walkable areas have better metabolic health. Analyzing data from 15 Canadian cities, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in young and middle-aged adults was 43% among people living in easy-to-walk areas, but living in easy-to-walk areas. It was 53% of the people. A multiethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA) in the United States found that people who moved to densely populated areas had a slightly lower BMI. However, some studies, such as the development of coronary artery risk (CARDIA) study in young adults, did not find any changes in BMI associated with nearby walkability.
Several studies have found an association between nearby gaitability and markers of glycemic control and insulin resistance. A survey of 1.1 million adults living in urban areas of Ontario, Canada, found that migrants living in the hardest areas had a higher prediabetes rate than migrants living in the most walkable areas. Was 20% higher. Many studies also suggest that neighborhood walkability reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes. An analysis of administrative health data for adults living in Toronto found that long-term residents and recent migrants in low-walkability areas were 30% to 50% more likely to develop diabetes than in high-walkability areas. .. In another study of young and middle-aged adults in southern Ontario, people living in the most walkable areas had a significantly lower incidence of diabetes, and were also overweight and obese.
Several studies have also found a link between nearby gaitability and hypertension. A population-based Canadian study found that moving from a non-walkable neighborhood to an easy-to-walk neighborhood reduced the chances of high blood pressure by 54% in 10 years. Similar findings were observed in the French residential environment and analysis of the coronary heart disease (RECORD) cohort, data from UK Biobank, and the CARDIA study. However, most studies found no association between nearby gaitability and markers of dyslipidemia.
Although many studies have linked metabolic health to neighborhood gait, other environmental factors can affect health outcomes. Neighboring income can create disparities in the study of constructed environments, and researchers say that policies often target economically favored areas, which can further contribute to health inequality. I pointed out.
The availability of health foods can have a direct impact on metabolic health. Data from the New York City Community Health Survey found that the proportion of nearby food retailers selling fast food is directly related to BMI in areas with low poverty levels. In Toronto, where fast food companies make up the majority of food retailers, young and middle-aged adults were 2.5 times more obese and 1.7 times more diabetic than the general population.
High air pollution can also increase the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. A Canadian study found that people living near walkable cities are 25% less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes and 35% more likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure if the levels of traffic-related air pollution are low. It was shown to be low. Several studies have also found that more green spaces near people’s homes are associated with lower BMI and reduced obesity and diabetes odds.
Booth said studies investigating the constructed environmental effects on metabolic health need to explain these variables.
“We definitely need to think about the big picture,” Booth said. “As researchers, we need to think about how these things work together. It’s not just about changing one thing in the environment.”
Further research is needed to further investigate the impact of walkability on metabolic health, but policy makers can use existing evidence to initiate smarter and more equitable city planning decisions.
“We can see how we design our neighborhood,” Booth said. “You can also think of the existing landscape in which we live. By connecting green spaces to make it easier for people to go outdoors, such as bike paths and walking paths, and by changing the zoning for people to walk. , You can give people more opportunities. Places. Most of them are public transport. If you don’t have the opportunity to use other forms, you will jump into the car. All these opportunities We need to think about how to build and make these options easy, safe and attractive for people. “
Gillian L. boothMDFRCP, Can be reached with [email protected]..
Sources 2/ https://www.healio.com/news/endocrinology/20220224/more-walkable-neighborhoods-may-reduce-obesity-diabetes The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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