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Marvel actor Kumail Nanjiani plays Wolverine in photo shoot


Eternals star Kumail Nanjiani takes on a different Marvel role, transforming into Wolverine for a photo shoot. After first establishing himself as a standing comedian and funny TV actor on several shows, including HBO Silicon Valley, Nanjiani took the step towards a real celebrity on the big screen with his first role in comedy The Big Sick, which he also co-wrote with his real wife Emily V. Gordon.

After The Big Sick became an independent hit with $ 56 million at the box office, also winning an Oscar nomination for best original screenplay, Nanjiani built on his credentials as a movie star with a role in action action comedy ;summer Stuber alongside Dave Bautista, as well as voice roles in Men in Black: International and Dolittle. But Nanjiani is really about to arrive as a big-screen presence when he appears later this year in Marvel. Eternals, playing the role of Kingo, a Bollywoodmovie star who also happens to be a cosmic superhero. In order to take on the physical appearance of a real good Marvel guy, Nanjiani got ripped off, showing off his new physique on Instagram for the internet's delight (and Nanjiani's father , who had socks made showing a picture of his shredded son).

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Nanjiani clearly appreciates his new jacking body and has taken time to have even more fun with it recently Men's health spread in which he paid homage to macho characters from other films. In by far the climax of the shoot, Nanjiani becomes the glory of Wolverine of X-Men and does absolute justice to the legendary torn version of the character of Hugh Jackman. See the picture in the space below:

In addition to becoming Wolverine, Nanjiani in the same shoot plays beach volleyball as Top Gun& # 39; s Maverick, tightens himself in a ventilation duct to become John McClane in Die hard and jump rope like American Psychoit's Patrick Bateman. Without a doubt, however, the best picture sees the actor take off his shirt and put on Adamantium's claws to become Wolverine.

Of course, the character of Wolverine is presumed to be retired in the movies after Jackman gave him a proper start Logan. However, many assume that if / when Disney decides to revive The X-Men in the MCU – a development that may be far away after Dark phoenix failed at the box office – Wolverine will also make a triumphant return. After taking a look at his Wolverine look, Nanjiani may be a good candidate to bring Logan back, assuming he is ready to maintain his shredded physique for as long (or to find him in order to play the role). For now, however, Nanjiani should be introduced to the MCU as Kingo, a character who is much less familiar to the public than Wolverine – although if Eternals is a great success, which can change everything, and Nanjianimight even considers it a step forward to take the place of Jackman as Wolverine.

More: Marvels Eternals star Gemma Chan teases two love stories for Sersi

Source: Men's health

Key release dates

  • Black Widow (2020)Release Date: May 01, 2020
  • Eternal (2020)Release date: 06 Nov 2020
  • Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings (2021)Release Date: February 12, 2021
  • Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness (2021)Release date: 07 May 2021
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 (2021)Release Date: Jul 16, 2021
  • Thor: love and thunder (2021)Release date: 05 Nov 2020
  • Black Panther 2 (2022)Release date: 06 May 2022

Black Widow character poster header

Scarlett Johansson originally didn't want to do Black Widow after Endgame

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