Anyone can develop monkeypox, but the CDC now warns the LGBTQ community about the “greater potential” of exposure.
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Monkeypox can develop or spread to anyone, but the “notable proportion” of the recent global epidemic is occurring between gay and bisexual men, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Said on Monday.
“Currently, some groups may be more likely to be exposed, but there is never a current risk of monkeypox exposure only to the gay and bisexual communities in the United States,” said Dr. John Brooks. .. Chief Medical Officer for CDC’s HIV / AIDS Prevention Division. “Anyone, anyone can grow [and] Although the monkeypox infection was widespread, many of the people affected by the current global outbreak have been identified as gay and bisexual men. ”
The CDC said Monday that there was one confirmed case of monkeypox and four suspicious cases in the United States.
The confirmed cases are men in Massachusetts, and the four cases of Orthopox are men in New York, Florida, and Utah. Orthopox generally refers to the poxvirus.
“Additional cases may be reported in the United States,” said Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, Veterinary and Deputy Director of the CDC’s High-Results Pathogens and Pathology Department.
According to Brooks, the CDC has decided to hold a press conference about the outbreak, as LGBTQ Pride Month usually begins on Memorial Day weekends. Authorities wanted to make sure the community was aware of the situation. He also urged doctors to be aware of the disease, as it can look like other types of sexually transmitted diseases.
“In some cases, in the early stages of the disease, the rash was mainly in the genital and perianal areas,” Brooks said. “In some cases, there are lesions of the anus or genitals that look like other illnesses such as herpes, chickenpox, and syphilis.
“What we are trying to do by paying attention to the fact that some of these cases show symptoms of the genitals and perineum is for the evaluation of what people consider to be sexually transmitted diseases. To remind people that they may come, we want the provider to think, “Is it okay to have monkeypox?” If the situation fits the story, “Brooks added.
Monkeypox is a very rare viral disease that resembles smallpox, but is considered clinically less severe. World Health Organization. Cases usually occur in West Africa and Central Africa. However, some people have recently been diagnosed with monkeypox. Normally not displayed This disease includes Canada, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it can spread through intimate contact during sexual intercourse if someone has an active rash.
It can also spread through large respiratory droplets, which do not travel far in the air and require extended contact to do this.
Monkeypox can spread through direct contact with body fluids or contact with contaminated clothing or sheets. According to the CDC.
“Anyone can spread monkeypox [from] When approaching someone, they come into contact with fluids, monkeypox pain and respiratory droplets, “Brooks said.
The virus is usually incubated for 7-14 days before symptoms appear. According to the CDC..
Early symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, muscle aches, and malaise. The disease then progresses to rashes and lesions, with blisters and scabs. This can happen systemically.Illness usually lasts 2-4 several weeks.
Man May be contagious From the day before the rash appears to 21 days after the onset of symptoms. When the scab falls, the person is no longer contagious. CDC To tell.
According to the CDC, the risk to the general public from this outbreak is low.
“Currently, I don’t think monkeypox poses a major risk to the general public in the United States. We are meticulous to communities where it may be circulating so that we can effectively communicate with and control this outbreak. I think we need to be careful, “says McQuiston.
Monkeypox did not seem to spread so rapidly, and it was necessary to cancel the party or event to stop it from spreading.
“This is not Covid,” McQuiston said. “The spread of breathing is not the main concern. It is the contact and intimate contact between the current outbreak and the population, and that is what we want to emphasize.”
According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS, it is also important that this outbreak does not cause stigma for the LGBTQ community. Several reports and commentary on monkeypox have warned that they are using languages and images that enhance stereotypes and exacerbate stigma.
“Experience has shown that stigmatized rhetoric responds evidence-based by agitating cycles of fear, keeping people away from medical services, hindering efforts to identify cases, and encouraging ineffective disciplinary action. Can be disabled immediately. Thanks to LGBTI A community that paved the way for awareness – and we repeat that the disease can affect everyone, ”said Matthew Kabana, Deputy Managing Director of UNAIDS. .. statement Monday.
WHO has also warned people not to use the disease as a way to negatively label certain communities.
“There is a lot of stigma and discrimination surrounding many illnesses. The important thing we need to be aware of is, as WHO, working with partners in the community and elsewhere to ensure that the message is correct. Therefore, there are some cases between men who have sex with men, but this is not a homosexual illness, “WHO adviser Andy Seal said on Monday.
There is No Proven Safe HealerIn the case of monkeypox, a vaccine made by a Danish company called Bavarian Nordic is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.The The United States has signed a new contract You also have the option of placing an order for $ 119 million with the company and purchasing an additional $ 180 million if needed.
Since monkeypox virus is closely associated with smallpox virus, smallpox vaccine can protect against monkeypox. According to the CDC.. Stragic National Stockpile has enough smallpox vaccine to protect everyone in the United States. According to the CDC.
The United States is in the process of responding to the demand for the release of the Bavarian Scandinavian Jynneos monkeypox vaccine from its stockpile.
The CDC recommends that you check with a medical professional if you have a new or unexplained rash.Infected people need to stay Quarantine at homeYou should wear a surgical mask, away from people and pets, and cover until lesions form. I was healed.. Avoid close contact with children, pregnant people, and people with weakened immunity. These groups are at increased risk of complications when infected with the virus.
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