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A cat that survived an earthquake? (Photo) – Factcrescendo Sri Lanka

A cat that survived an earthquake?  (Photo) – Factcrescendo Sri Lanka


Dogs and cats are some of the most domesticated pets in homes and there are often stories of the affinity between these animals and humans. Even in times of disaster, these pets tend to stay close to their masters and vice versa as well.

We recently came across a touching story that claims to be the scene of a cat being rescued by its owner after an earthquake. However, the viral image has been misinterpreted as the cat was actually found days after a hurricane in 2011, after it got stuck under the rubble.

Social Media Claims

An image of a woman holding an expensive cat in the background of collapsed buildings and debris has been widely shared among social media users with the caption “Ultimate happiness – finding her cat safe after an earthquake.” Below is a viral Instagram post from April 28, 2022.

Instagram | archived

Photos of the same comments were found in 2016, as shown in the post below on Facebook.

Facebook | archived

Image Origins:

We did a reverse Google image search for the viral image and were able to discover that the scenes were in fact related to a moment when a cat owner discovered their missing cat in the rubble. However, it was a hurricane rather than an earthquake, which left the cat stranded and the accident occurred over a decade ago.

The tornado occurred in 2011 in the state of Alabama, USA. Certain parts of Alabama were badly damaged, many homes were destroyed while series of tornadoes reportedly claimed 8 lives. After the end of hurricane waves, debris can be seen everywhere.

Terla Cruz was a woman who used to live in such a ruined house, and came back to the area to see the wreckage of her house, 16 days after the destruction. Surprisingly, after hearing a cat’s sound, Tera managed to find her 13-year-old cat Laverne from the midst of the wreckage and the animal was alive despite the low body weight. The news was reported by the Daily Mail with a picture as shown below.

Daily Mail | archived

We also came across some Facebook posts from 2011, related to the discovery of the cat Lavern, after the pet was buried for 16 days under the rubble.

Here is another article with a detailed version of the same story, according to which the Terrla family owned two cats and unfortunately the other cat died during the devastation. archived

Here is another similar recent story from the United States, when a cat was spotted 9 days after a Kentucky hurricane in December 2021.

Cats are believed to have the skills to survive and escape from falls, and there are many cases where cats have been rescued, days after earthquakes as well. Here is a video from 2016, showing a cat rescued by Italian firefighters after being trapped under rubble for 16 days after the earthquake.

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Title: A cat that survived an earthquake? (Photo)

Information Validation By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: misleading




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