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A 2-year-old boy was diagnosed with three viruses at once, weeks after he had only one symptom

A 2-year-old boy was diagnosed with three viruses at once, weeks after he had only one symptom


Ciara Jackson, already worried when her 2-year-old son’s temperature spiked to 105 degrees, got really scared when he started hallucinating. Ms. Jackson turned to the Internet hoping to find a benign explanation as to why her little boy had a very high temperature in the absence of other symptoms.

“Your mind jumps to the worst-case scenario,” Jackson, 28, said TODAY.

Jackson family.
Jackson family.Courtesy Ciara Jackson

Wilder’s high fever Hospitals are full of children attacked by respiratory virusthe surge comes at a much earlier season than usual, which catches many health care workers off guard. respiratory syncytial virusaka RSV, causes many of the diseases, but pediatric Influenza hospitalizations are on the rise, although the historic start of peak flu season is a month away. Enterovirus and adenovirus cases are also part of the wave.

One reason for the increase is that many of these viruses have been kept at bay by COVID precautions over the past two years, leaving young children who would normally have built up some immunity over the past few seasons to catch the virus. being exposed. A host of viruses previously reported by TODAY.

Lynnette Brammer, leader of the National Influenza Surveillance Team, said: “The population’s immunity to circulating respiratory illnesses is weakened, especially among young children who have never been exposed or vaccinated, like influenza and respiratory syncytial virus. “There’s a definite chance that other respiratory viruses will come back.” At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told NBC News on mail.

Fever every weekend

The Jackson family’s troubles began the second week of September when they returned from a visit to Disney World. Wilder fell ill and tested positive for the flu. “It was a given, but almost every weekend since then he’s had a fever,” his mom told TODAY.

During the week of October 24th, Wilder’s temperature began to rise again. Jackson contacted the boy’s pediatrician, who suggested treating him with Tylenol or Motrin.

By Saturday, Wilder’s temperature had soared to 104. His family took him to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. However, by the time the family arrived, the boy’s temperature had dropped. Doctors told his family that Wilder had just contracted the virus and that he would be fine.

The Jacksons had just returned from Disney World when Wilder fell ill.
The Jacksons had just returned from Disney World when Wilder fell ill.Courtesy Ciara Jackson

The next night, around 11pm, Jackson took his son’s temperature and was shocked to see that the thermometer read 105. What really scared Jackson was his son’s mental state.

“He started having heat stroke dreams,” she said. “We were sitting on the couch and he wanted to go inside. He started talking about running away from dinosaurs. She kept calling me ‘Mama, Mama, Mama,’ as if she was there.”

The family rushed Wilder to the Dayton Children’s Hospital emergency room.So the doctor examined him rhinovirus, enterovirus When adenovirusHe tested positive for all three.

“I was so shocked,” Jackson said. “Of course he started wondering where he got them and if there was anything he could do to prevent that.”

Of particular concern to Ms. Jackson was her son’s high white blood cell count. “When the doctor came back with a high white blood cell count, I was worried it might be leukemia,” Jackson said. “It was scary.”

Doctors suggested the high temperature was the result of the boy’s body battling three viruses at once. Jackson was relieved that tests for cancer and bacterial infections came back negative. Most of the time, it’s because the body is fighting infection and inflammation. According to the Cleveland Clinic.

Brody said it’s not clear how often children get more than one virus at a time. “It’s only rare children[like Wilder]who get sick and get hospitalized or get a more thorough checkup,” she added.

“The body was doing what it was supposed to do”

At the hospital, Wilder was given an IV. “He didn’t look that sick after that,” said Dr. Anne Burke, a hospitalist who oversees pediatric training at Dayton Children.

Still, “When you have a 105-degree fever, you worry that you need to figure out what’s wrong,” Burke said. “But the great news is that in an otherwise healthy child, the temperature is not elevated. With Wilder, the body was doing its job and fighting off infections.”

Wilder and his parents.
Wilder and his parents.Courtesy Ciara Jackson

Most pediatricians will tell families to take their child to the emergency department if they are concerned that their child has a fever in the middle of the night. This is especially true if you are saying

Burke and her team chose to stay in the hospital until Wilder’s fever subsided and the next Wednesday for about three days. “Now he’s acting like a normal two-year-old,” Jackson said. said.

The family has a follow-up appointment with a rheumatologist in case there is an underlying problem causing the fever.

Dr. Erica Brody, a pediatrician at Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital and an assistant professor at Icahn School of Medicine, says there are no hard and fast rules about what temperature a child should be sent to the emergency room. If the child has other worrisome symptoms such as fever or lethargy, we may tip the scale in favor of an ER visit.

Temperatures above 104 are generally of interest to pediatricians. “105 is a pretty big number,” Brody said, adding that if the high temperature lasts longer than five days, he’ll need a closer examination to determine the cause. Doctors should rule out meningitis, autoimmune issues, and bacterial infections such as streptococcus, she said.

Jackson’s advice to parents concerned about their children is, “Trust your instincts. You know your child better than anyone else. This time of year is the time to get the virus.” is normal, but if you notice any worrisome behavior, go to the hospital.”




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