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WHO initiates a policy of prevention and resolution of inappropriate sexual behavior

WHO initiates a policy of prevention and resolution of inappropriate sexual behavior



The World Health Organization launched its own today Policy on prevention and resolution of inappropriate sexual behavior[*] which puts victims and survivors at the center, sets strict zero-tolerance standards and emphasizes that there can be no “excuse” for inappropriate sexual behavior.

The new policy replaces the 2017 policy, which investigations and audits found to be lacking in addressing the issues facing victims and survivors of sexual abuse.

“The suffering of survivors of horrific cases of sexual abuse during the response to the 10th Ebola outbreak in DR Congo was the catalyst for a profound transformation in WHO’s approach to preventing and responding to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment,” said Dr Tedros. Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO. “This new policy builds on the work we have already done in implementing the recommendations of the Independent Commission and is a key part of making ‘zero tolerance’ a reality, not just a slogan.”

The policy covers WHO staff and collaborators (consultants, contractors, partners) in locations where WHO operates and sets out six minimum standards to protect anyone exposed to sexual misconduct by WHO staff or collaborators.

The policy outlines the responsibilities of individual members of the workforce, managers and the Organization as a whole to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct, and provides several reporting options that protect the confidentiality of victims and survivors. There is no requirement that an individual be a direct or indirect beneficiary of WHO to be recognized as a victim or survivor of sexual abuse.

“With our new policy, we aim to ensure that our staff and enforcement partners do not harm the people we serve or the people we serve with,” said Dr Gaya M Gamhewage, Director of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response (PRS). ). “Going forward, we want to ensure that no victim goes unheard or unsupported; no perpetrator goes unpunished; no staff member is excused for bad behavior or inaction; no partner is exempt from meeting our standards.”

The new policy is a key component of a comprehensive program WHO is implementing in response to the findings of the Independent Commission established by the WHO Director-General in 2020 to investigate allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse during the response to the 10th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

WHO has established a Survivors’ Assistance Fund with an allocation of USD 2 million for 2022/2023. for victim and survivor support services including medical support; psychological support, mental health support and case management; legal support; and socio-economic support for reintegration and training in income-generating activities.

WHO has also made significant investments in strengthening WHO’s core capacity to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct and to address the backlog of sexual misconduct investigations. The backlog has since been resolved, and the investigative team has set a benchmark of 120 days to complete investigations into all new allegations of sexual misconduct or other forms of abuse. WHO now publishes a dashboard listing completed investigations and disciplinary actions taken in cases of sexual misconduct.

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[*] Note to editors: WHO uses an umbrella term for sexual misconduct that includes but is not limited to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment (SH) and sexual violence (SV). All forms of sexual misconduct have the same root causes and drivers and require the Organization to take comprehensive measures to prevent and respond to them.




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