How much Guardians of the Galaxy actors got paid for their MCU movies
Warning: Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 below!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the final adventure of the titular team’s first release, and most of the cast members have appeared outside of the three main films. The Guardians first crossed paths in 2014 guardians of the galaxy, with the disparate space adventurers coming together to form the MCU’s most motley team of heroes. In addition to continuing to headline their own series, the Guardians also united with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to defeat Thanos (Josh Brolin) and his vast army in Avengers: Infinity And Avengers: Endgamewith Thor (Chris Hemsworth) join them for some adventures in Thor: Love and Thunder.
In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the series finally delves into the experiments that led to the creation of Rocket Raccon (Bradley Cooper), with its creator the High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji) pursuing Rocket as a key part of his villain plot. At the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the team decides to part ways, with the film acting as the cornerstone for some of the most important roles that many of its leading actors have taken on. Here is what the guardians of the galaxy the actors have been paid throughout their tenure in the MCU.
Chris Pratt – estimated $20-25 million
Magazine Per UsChris Pratt earned around $1.5 million for the first guardians of the galaxy and would later earn $5 million for her role in Avengers: Infinity War. With Pratt making a total of seven appearances as Star-Lord in the MCU to date, he’s likely still received some sort of boost during his tenure in the role. That means Pratt has likely earned around $20-25 million for his Star-Lord portrayals since the first one. guardians of the galaxy For Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3not to mention the back-end offers.
Zoe Saldana – estimated $10-15 million
Zoe Saldana won around $100,000 for the first guardians of the galaxy, according to The Things. With subsequent raises in her subsequent MCU appearances and potential back-end deals, Saldana’s salary would likely have increased. With pay raises like this throughout her tenure in the MCU, Zoe Saldana likely earned around $10-15 million for her seven MCU portrayals of Gamora.
Dave Bautista – estimated $15-20 million
By EpicstreamDave Bautista earned $1.4 million for his first role as Drax the Destroyer in guardians of the galaxythen 3 million dollars for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and $4 million for Avengers: Infinity War And Avengers: Endgame combined. Together with Bautista’s three other MCU appearances, that’s probably a total of around $15-20 million for his entire run as Drax in the MCU throughout. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
Karen Gillan – estimated $10-12 million
According to ThingsKaren Gillan won $140,000 for her first performance of Nebula in guardians of the galaxy. Nebula having appeared in all MCU projects with the Guardians, she likely also received a pay raise with Nebula’s continued presence in the MCU, especially with Nebula’s enhanced role in Avengers: Endgame. That means Gillan likely made between $10-12 million for her total run as Nebula in the MCU.
Pom Klementieff – estimated $5–10 million
Pom Klementieff entered the adventures of the Guardians with the debut of Mantis in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and his salary for his first MCU appearance is unclear. With Mantis starting out as a supporting character before properly joining the Guardians, it seems likely that Klementieff likely started out with a pay scale similar to Saldana’s of around $100,000. With Klementieff playing Mantis six times in the MCU and a few likely pay raises along the way, Klementieff likely earned between $5-10 million for his tenure as Mantis.
Vin Diesel – estimated $13-15 million
Vin Diesel’s salary for voicing Groot also isn’t entirely clear, though. Guardians writer-director James Gunn debunked the reports that Diesel earned $13 million for each performance of the Talking Tree. However, given that Groot was a member of the Guardians from start to finish, he likely earned a fair amount between initial pay and final deals, especially with established Diesel across the board. fast furious movies (Diesel would earn $20 million for x fast). With that in mind, it’s probably safe to peg $13-15 million as a good estimate of his salary for his full run as Groot.
Bradley Cooper – estimated $20-30 million
By ForbesBradley Cooper was able”controls about 1% of the back-end” on Avengers: Endgame, which would earn him around $7 million for his portrayal of Rocket Raccoon in the film. This gives an indication of earnings from all of Rocket’s appearances, which were likely much lower when Cooper started out as Rocket in guardians of the galaxy. With Rocket being a voice role for Cooper in the MCU, back-end deals likely result in bigger payouts than his initial earnings. That means for his seven total appearances in the MCU, Cooper likely earned around $20-30 million.
Sean Gunn – estimated $5 million
Sean Gunn has a unique role in the guardians of the galaxy franchise, portraying both Yondu’s right-hand man, Kraglin, and acting as an on-set performance capture actor for Rocket Raccoon (neither of whom are part of the Guardians characters who die in the film either). Gunn’s salary for both roles is unclear, while Gunn’s portrayal of Rocket is shared with Bradley Cooper. All in all, that seems like a good guess that Gunn started guardians of the galaxy between $100,000 and $500,000. With the salary increases, it can be estimated that Sean Gunn earned around $5 million for his work leading up to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
While Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 might be the official end of the series with most of the cast stepping back from their roles, that doesn’t mean some individual Guardians will never be seen again. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3The post-credits scenes show the new status quo Rocket, Groot, and Star-Lord, with the film’s ending caption stating bluntly that Star-Lord will return. When and where that comeback will happen next in the MCU is anyone’s guess, but after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3Chris Pratt will likely be up for a raise in Star-Lord’s next adventure.
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