question: Why do I get Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
What Causes IBS? – The Washington Post
Here are some reasons why you might have IBS.
There are trillions of microorganisms living in our gut. microbiome, affects our health. One of the most important influences on our microbiome is diet, and many people with IBS find their symptoms worsen when they eat certain foods such as dairy and fruits.
In IBS, people Some of the beneficial bacteria tend to be lost like that Lactic acid bacteria And as a result, we also get some problematic ones. Studies show that changing your diet to avoid trigger foods can improve your symptoms. Symptoms of IBS It also changes your microbiome.
The best-known risk factor for IBS is gastroenteritis, or an acute intestinal infection that causes severe diarrhea and vomiting over several days. Research Findings It is believed that this infection causes long-term inflammation in the intestine and can lead to IBS. That damage remains long after the virus or bacteria have left the system.
Gastroenterologists are also investigating the link between COVID-19 and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).In one study, approximately Half of COVID-19 patients Initially, gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain were reported.A year after being infected with the new coronavirus, people have a higher rate They are more likely to develop IBS than those who were not infected with COVID-19.
As the pandemic progressed, several factors besides viruses were found to be involved that could cause irritable bowel syndrome. It is the psychological stress from the disease (and living in a pandemic) and the various drugs, including steroids, commonly used during treatment that may have affected the microbiome. .
IBS is often a lifelong condition. However, most people with irritable bowel syndrome that develops after an acute infection can expect to experience symptoms such as: recover gradually months or years later.
The major life stressors are closely related to: IBS symptom intensityand those who have experienced traumatic life events are at increased risk of developing IBS.
In a well-known study on rats, when separated from the rats, early childhood mother not only to experience inflammation of the colon The immediate postnatal period can induce changes in the neurons that control pain perception in the adult gut.
Emotional, physical, and sexual trauma early in life Especially for women, it can predict the development of IBS. Traumatic events in adulthood also increase risk.
Studies show that if you have a close relative, such as a sibling or parent, with IBS, more chances Being IBS yourself. There is also genetic data that supports the idea that IBS is partially sex-related. women are more susceptible than men.
But genetic research is just beginning to unravel the mystery of which genes play a key role in why irritable bowel syndrome occurs. Some studies suggest that it involves subtle mutations in genes responsible for serotonin and its signaling pathway. The overwhelming majority of the body’s serotonin, also called the “feel good” hormone, actually resides in the gut, where it helps regulate bowel movements, secretions and sensations.
Other large studies also found that: Mood disorders share a genetic origin with IBS — And this may be why medications commonly thought of as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can also help symptoms of IBS.
a recent hypothesis Gravity, or rather the inability of our bodies to manage gravity, may be the unifying problem behind IBS, as proposed by Brennan Spiegel, a gastroenterologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. It is said that there is a sexuality. The idea is that Homo sapiens evolved to compensate for the gravity around us.
For example, our internal organs are not lumped together in a haphazard mass at the bottom of our bellies. Instead, our bodies have a system of connective tissue tethers that align and hold connective tissue against gravity, allowing the smooth passage and processing of nutrients.
But for some people, these suspension systems tend to overextend, Spiegel said. When that happens, it theoretically creates a twist that impedes the flow of stool, which can lead to bacterial overgrowth and nerve hypersensitivity in the gut. Perhaps this is partly why interventions that strengthen our body’s natural anchors, such as yoga and other exercises, are beneficial in treating his IBS.
There is no single treatment for IBS. Discussing possible triggers may help your doctor treat your symptoms, including medication, brain-gut psychotherapy, or therapy. change your diet.
As a gastroenterologist, I know how reluctant people are to talk about their poop with strangers. But believe me, we hear it all. You may not be able to control the reasons why you have IBS, but it’s important to take the first steps to get the help you need.
Physician Profile: Trisha S. Pasricha is a gastroenterologist and medical journalist at Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Neuro-Enteral Health.
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