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Discuss prevention, detection and treatment during Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Discuss prevention, detection and treatment during Skin Cancer Awareness Month


Discuss prevention, detection and treatment during Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin cancer awareness month. And with all of us spending more time outside, it’s especially important to take care of our skin. That’s why we’re learning all about skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment from the experts. So today Dr. joined us here. John Mendelsohn and Hope Miller at Hyde Park’s Center for Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Lasers. Thank you both for being here today. I know it’s a busy time, but you just got out of the office. got it. So let’s get to work and help. Let’s start with you. First, let’s talk about warning signs. I think we all notice different spots and things on our bodies, but what exactly should we be looking for?Specifically, skin cancer lesions have he 2 There are two different types. Therefore, there are typically non-melanoma types. These can look like little red, flaky patches that don’t go away, little bumps that look like permanent acne scars, or just soft scales. So we always want to make sure of those things. Other things we want to look for are melanoma-type lesions. Because these are moles, they can appear as small brown rings on the skin, borders, and other irregularities. But you know, we can always check them out in the office and tell you that we might actually like it here. Oh that’s fine. yes. So it was actually melanoma, which is a little less typical. However, irregular pink and brown color, large size lesions are visible. Borders are irregular. That’s great, you know, it’s very normal for melanoma. yes. And this is not something to play with Dr. Mendelsohn observing our own bodies and skin. When should I be concerned about blemishes on my skin? As you know, we talk a lot about ABS CDS and EAS, but basically when there is asymmetry, border irregularities and color variations. , things start to escalate. If there is a scratch, such as the diameter, if something has been hanging for a while and there is no change, it should be evaluated. But certainly if there is a change in any of these things they are more suspect and should probably be evaluated at that point. People have many treatment options. I know my husband had some precancerous spots, but she was worried. He recently had a burn here and told us about some treatment options depending on how people view it. You know, we saw it on social media. that was his. So I was so happy he shared that too. Because I think it’s important to let people know, “Hey, look, this happened to me.” If you have something like this, treat it appropriately. HOPE handles many of these things. So why don’t you talk about what you do? Therefore, these lesions are actually very common, especially on fair skin types. And they appear like those little red flaky spots he froze in liquid nitrogen. And because it can completely eradicate the lesion so it doesn’t turn into a squamous cell carcinoma that goes so deep that it has to be cut and stitched, it becomes a very easy way to get rid of a possible cancer. increase. yes. Of course, there is also detection and prevention. I hope. What can we all do this summer and beyond to prevent skin cancer in the first place? And, of course, sunscreen. That’s why we want sunscreen. In fact, we prefer mineral-based sunscreens. So if you look at the back of the tube and see active ingredients listed, look for zinc and titanium. They have a protective effect because they reflect UV rays off the skin. Therefore, it is very effective in preventing UV rays from passing through the skin. Sunscreen should be reapplied every 90 minutes. Yes I have to ask. Because, you know, there’s a myth that even if it’s not as prevalent as darker-skinned people, it’s still a possibility. Also talk about the importance of wearing sunscreen and protecting your skin, even if you have dark skin. absolutely. Therefore, everyone should wear sunscreen, SPF and a hat. However, some people may have more melanin to match their skin tone. This means they have more intrinsic protection against the sun, but are still a risk factor. And absolutely everyone needs attention. I am very happy that you are here today. As I mentioned earlier, her close husband, a skier, recently came here and had something taken from her neck. And she’s brown, look, so you know, her skin looks great, but she admits that she loves the sun, and that’s one of the things to look out for this month. One thing you should always pay attention to. And thank you. Thank you so much for coming here. Homers and Dr. John Mendelsohn are back from the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center.than

Discuss prevention, detection and treatment during Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Taking care of your skin is especially important as May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and people start spending more time outdoors during the warmer months. On Tuesday, the WLWT was joined by Dr. John Mendelsohn and Dr. Hope Mertz, Advanced Aesthetic Surgeons. Discuss skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment with the Laser Center. Watch the full interview in the video player above.

Taking care of your skin is especially important as May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and people start spending more time outdoors during the warmer months.

On Tuesday, WLWT was joined by John Mendelsohn, M.D., and Hope Merz, M.D., from the Center for Advanced Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Lasers, to discuss skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment.

Watch the full interview in the video player above.




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