First case of drug-resistant ringworm found in US
First case of highly contagious drug-resistant infection Ringworm In the United States, an infection was also confirmed in New York City.recently A report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Doctors warned that this type of severe ringworm infection (also called ringworm) is caused by a relatively new form of fungus called ringworm. indian ringworm, It does not respond to common antifungal treatments.
Fungal infections cause inflammation, itching, and scaling. rash It can appear in the groin (itchy thrush), feet (athlete’s foot), and scalp.
Ringworm has nothing to do with parasites, but it gets its name from the appearance of ring-shaped rashes.
Only two women have so far had confirmed cases of the infection, but this severe, drug-resistant ringworm has been endemic in South Asia over the past decade, and public health officials fear the infection could spread to others. I am concerned that it may spread. Scientists studying the condition suspect that misuse and overuse of topical antifungal treatments may have caused the fungus to develop drug resistance. corticosteroid (anti-inflammatory).
“Dermatologists in India and elsewhere are warning us about this infection as it spreads globally,” he says. Dr. Abrom S. Kaplan, assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City and lead author of a new CDC report. “It is highly resistant to one of our first-line oral antifungals, and some strains overseas are less responsive to other agents.”
What are the symptoms of ringworm and how to treat it?
four big Ringworm symptoms The skin becomes itchy. Ring-shaped rash. Inflamed, scaly and cracked skin. And according to depilation, CDC. The inflamed area may crust and collect pus. The infection can also affect the nails, CDCIt can cause discoloration, thickening, brittleness and cracking.
of CDC They say that many cases of ringworm can be successfully treated with over-the-counter non-prescription antifungal creams, lotions, or powders. More serious infections may require stronger prescription drugs.
Both of the women in the most recent cases were initially given oral prescriptions Terbinafine, works by stopping the growth of fungi. If that didn’t work, doctors prescribed other oral medications that could be used for more serious infections (Itraconazole and griseofulvin).
Effective antifungal drugs are available to treat this progressive infection, but overuse of these treatments causes the fungus to evolve and become resistant to some common treatments. It’s possible, Dr. Kaplan stresses.
How worried should I be about drug-resistant ringworm?
Because of the prevalence of new drug-resistant fungi in South Asia, people who travel to the area and develop a ringworm-like rash may be advised to undergo a meticulous skin examination. .
However, Caplan and colleagues point out that one of the two confirmed cases was a woman with no travel history, suggesting the infection may have been transmitted “within the community.” bottom.
“The fact that there is one case in the United States in a woman with no history of travel to India or Asia should raise eyebrows among clinicians. and say Dr. Dean Winslowan infectious disease expert and professor of medicine at Stanford University in California.
Caplan also believes there will be more cases, but doesn’t think the current situation is alarming.
“Our report should help clinicians identify the clinical features and understand the challenges in treating and testing this particular infectious disease,” he says. “But I don’t think the public needs to worry at this point.”
How to stop the spread of ringworm
Dr. Winslow says people with ringworm of any kind should take precautions to prevent the spread of this highly contagious fungus.
“Ringworm spreads easily from person to person,” he says. “A common tale is of people picking up athlete’s foot in the shower. The fungus can persist on inanimate objects, at least for short periods of time.”
of American Academy of Dermatology provides a list of tips for people with a rash to avoid contagion to others. This includes wearing waterproof sandals or shoes in public showers, changing clothes daily, and not sharing personal items such as towels.
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